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The Anglo-Saxon Period Important Dates: 449-1066 A.D.

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Presentation on theme: "The Anglo-Saxon Period Important Dates: 449-1066 A.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Anglo-Saxon Period Important Dates: 449-1066 A.D.

2 The term Anglo-Saxon comes from  Three Germanic tribes that began invading Britain  These three tribes were known as the:  Jutes  Angles  Saxons

3 Most familiar type of poetry  Heroic Epic Poetry- is a long narrative poem whose central character is a hero.

4 Qualities of an epic hero  Superhuman qualities List some characteristics of what you think an epic hero possesses

5 What is the most famous of these epic poems?  Beowulf  The poem was written by a Christian poet whose name is unknown  Written sometime in between the 8 th and 11 th centuries  Beowulf is written in Old English  Manuscript was partially charred in a fire  Original copy is now located in The British Museum where each page is encased in plastic

6 Literary Terms  Kennings, Exaggeration and Alliteration are three devices that together allow the reader to experience this poem which is quite different than most other poetry.  The epic poem has 3,182 lines

7 What is a kenning?  A compound word that represents something else.  Example: Body= bone house  Sea= Whale road

8 What is exaggeration?  Makes the character in the story more interesting, exciting and dramatic.  Example: Beowulf’s bravery is exaggerated when he jumps into a swamp with heavy armor and a broken sword to fight a dangerous monster.

9 What is alliteration?  Repeating the same sound, usually a consonant at the beginning of words  Example: “The Hall of Heart” “His pledge and promise” “Dragging the dead men home to his den” “Fitted and Furnished” This device adds creativity and rhythm to the poem

10 Why is it important to read Beowulf and other classic pieces of literature?  Kennings, exaggerations and alliteration all help in developing vivid descriptions and imagery to entertain and beautifully tell the story of Beowulf.

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