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Muscle Notes.

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Presentation on theme: "Muscle Notes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Muscle Notes

2 Muscle System Over 600 muscles in the human body

3 Function Movement of body Complementary of skeletal system
Pump blood through body Cardiac (heart muscle) Move food through digestive system Control movement of air in and out of lungs

4 Functions, cont. Complementary or opposing action
Muscles shorten to move skeleton (contraction) Muscle groups include a flexor and extensor

5 Types of Muscles Smooth muscles (involuntary) -movement -digestion
-lungs Skeletal muscles (voluntary) -striped or striated -flexor/extensor Cardiac Muscle (heart, Muscle) -pump blood through body -involuntary

6 Smooth Muscle

7 Skeletal Muscle

8 Cardiac Muscle

9 Problems with Muscle System
Lazy eye Muscular Dystrophy -Wasting away of skeletal muscle -replaced by fat

10 More Issues -Muscle Strain -pulled muscle
-tearing or stretching of muscle -Bruise -discolored area under the skin caused by blood leakage due to injury Tendonitis -inflammation of tendon due to over usage Hernia -tearing of abdominal walls which allows the intestines to poke through the muscle walls.

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