Types of Advertising. Political advertising The simple and obvious task of political advertising is to persuade voters to take a more favourable view.

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1 Types of Advertising

2 Political advertising The simple and obvious task of political advertising is to persuade voters to take a more favourable view of the broadcasting party vis- à-vis its opponents. In principle, rational political advertisers seek to reinforce the commitment of their existing supporters, to persuade neutrals to view the party more sympathetically, and to raise doubts in the minds of supporters of opposing parties about the likely performance of their currently preferred party choice. Political advertising attempts to achieve these objectives through a mixture of advocacy and attack. Advocacy involves making a positive appeal to voters. The party stresses its own record, in national, local or regional government, in satisfying voters’ demands. It emphasises its own vision and policies for the future and indicates how these will contribute to meeting voters’ continuing needs and aspirations.

3 Attack implies ‘going negative’. It involves, inter alia, criticising the record of the opposing party or parties; questioning the judgement, experience and probity of opposing leaders; and generating fear about what the future might hold if the opposing party or parties were in power. The world of political advertising is very different from the world of commercial advertising. There really are no "rules" when it comes to the content and form of political advertising. Political advertisers are not accountable to any regulatory body, voluntary or otherwise, for the accuracy of their claims. They readily engage in so-called "comparative" advertising. They blatantly criticize their competitors. They complain incessantly about the fairness of the comments made about them, while their opponents are doing the same. There is no acknowledged forum for the review of these claims and counter-claims.

4 Lifestyle advertising Lifestyles are born of a multitude of causes, from childhood determinants to personality makeup to influences in the cultural, physical, economic, and political environments. Associated closely with particular ways of living promoted through advertising and branding, Lifestyle advertising is nothing but advertising that cleverly chooses to focus on the personality and ways of living that will be positively affected through purchase or hire of a product or service. When implemented, it should help influence conversations around your brand, drive consumer purchasing behavior and monetize ongoing customer relationships. According to PricewaterhouseCoopers, the three principles of Lifestyle Advertising are: 1. Be relevant. Marketers have to understand the issues that are important to customers’ lives and build strategies around them. 2. Engage them. Converged media redefines engagement as it combines both brand-level and product-level interactions in the same consumer experience. 3. Build trust. To successfully engender trust with the consumer, efforts must be genuine and transparent, and companies must act on what they hear when listening to consumers.

5 But be warned: If you’re considering the Lifestyle Advertising path, you’ll need to implement new media strategies and significant organizational changes. Specifically: Listen to the Market. You will need to view your audience not as a collection of consumers—or a portfolio of demographic profiles—but rather as individual customers. Change and Respond. To maximize and monetize Lifestyle Advertising potential, you’ll have to be more open, have real-time flexibility and enable informed risk- taking. You must organize around the ongoing conversations in which you participate.

6 Classified Advertising Classified advertising provides information in a dry matter-of-fact manner. Useful information about the employment market (situations vacant and situations wanted) about births, deaths, engagements and marriages, about change of names, about accommodation and housing (accommodation available and accommodation wanted), about the availability of various services such as tuitions, and about various items on sale.

7 Matrimonial advertising are also a part of classifieds and are frequently casteist, racist and sexist. Another type of classifieds is service advertising which focuses on services such as professional training, coaching classes, consultancies, public speaking, hotel, tourism and others. The approach here is usually more direct and information oriented. Very little creativity is allowed and creativity is used for complimenting the important factual information / data.

8 Consumer advertising Consumer advertising is the type of advertising readers, listeners and viewers are exposed to most of the times. It is the type that tends to promote attitude and lifestyles, which praise acquisition and consumption at the expense of higher values. They play on emotions, change real human situations into stereotypes, exploit anxieties and employ techniques of direct and indirect persuasion.

9 Thus consumer ads don't sell soap but glamour and charm; they don't sell soft drinks or chocolates but a happy and carefree lifestyle. Indeed, consumer ads more than other ads conjure up a fantasy world where it neither rains or blows, where the women exude charm, the men are macho, and children little cherubs all eager for the goodies of life. Thus consumer ads are extremely low on information but high on wit, rhetoric and style.

10 Business to Business (B2B) advertising Business to business advertising is something that most individual consumers never see unless they operate a retail store or a wholesale business for a living. The techniques used in consumer advertising concentrate on selling to people who may not know about the product, but business to business advertising focuses on a group of people who know exactly what they want--and why they want it. Business to business advertisers often employ professionals from the industries they target as opposed to using them as advisors. Copy (the words in an ad) and graphics (pictures and layout) are carefully created to appeal to people in a particular type of business and appear only in direct mail, catalogs, trade journals and subscription websites that target a particular industry.

11 Ads created are not aimed at consumers; they contain wholesaling information only and emphasize qualities important to wholesalers or retailers looking for an economical, superior or easily marketable product. Vocabulary and idioms used in copy are often unintelligible to anyone outside of the trade in which they are used. Business to business advertising ad placement and direct mail campaigns are often timed to coincide with industry trade shows or are focused 6 to 8 months before products would be in wholesale or retail businesses.

12 Industrial advertising In proportion of total adspend, the contribution of Industrial advertising is just 10% Industrial advertising is a form advertising aimed at manufacturers. This advertising typically promotes parts, equipment, and raw materials used in the manufacturing process or any other industrial activities. Sticks closely to hard facts that would be read by technical experts who buy on a rational, logical, commercial and professional basis. No room for emotion here. Communication must be such to motivate and make eminent sense for hard core technical people to adopt usage of the product for their applications

13 Must be conservative in communicating product prowess. It is better to under commit and over deliver Ad positioning is relatively less important. Audience would most likely be on an active search mode. Media used would be mostly technical journals, newspapers, trade journals, targeted to qualified prospects. Direct marketing is another method of communicating with industrial clients The information conveyed through industrial advertising consists of : Identity of manufacturer, his reputation, credibility, worksmanship, infrastructure, resources; Never deal frivolously with industrial products; Do not be afraid to use technical jargon; Use diagrams, illustrations, drawings to explain; Formatted catalogues are better than qualitative copy.

14 Retail advertising Advertising that conveys to the consumers messages about the retailer, its products, its service and its goals. The objective here is to inform reader listener or viewer about Retailer Offerings Prices Services

15 Retail ads primarily look at Stimulating trial, Increasing demand, improve availability Includes : premiums, Frequent buyer programs, coupons Long Term goals are to Create a positive store image, Store Positioning in Marketplace, Public Service Short Term focus is to Increase sales to current customers, Attract new customers The ad message is designed based on and inclusive of:  Age of Store  Store location  Types of Goods  Level of competition  Market Area Size  Supplier Support

16 Viral Marketing Viral marketing is a term used to describe the technique used to increase awareness of a certain advertisement through self-replicating processes. The basic rule about viral marketing is that you only have to think of a way that your advertisement would encourage people to pass it along. This is why this technique is more often called “word-of-mouth marketing”. Where and what to use for the advertisement is up to you.

17 As a publisher of viral advertisements, the effect is to add content so that it may achieve significant result in driving traffic to the website. More traffic to the ads means bigger probability of sales and an increase in brand awareness for the advertiser of the ads. If companies would want to use word-of-mouth marketing then they must focus on strengthening their consumer’s ability to communicate with another consumer. Using the internet as means of marketing is becoming a need nowadays if the goal is to have a cheap advertisement and gain brand awareness in a fast and effective way. The goal of viral marketing is to make people promote your product in order to increase brand awareness. If your target consumer is everybody this technique is used. People are the means and target of these advertisements. The medium used for the advertisement must have the elements needed to stimulate the people to respond emotionally. This reaction may be positive or negative depending on the impression of that person.

18 Web advertising Web advertising is the action of promoting your website using online advertising tools, techniques and methods proven to get the results you are looking for. It is used simultaneously as online advertising. Online advertising is basically the action of actively promoting your new business. “The signposting should give a concise and accurate idea of what they can expect to find when they get there with that precious click. What happens after that, is another matter. “ -Zsolt Kerekes, is the editor of STORAGEsearchaSTORAGEsearch Keep ads for outside companies on the periphery of the page Keep ads as small and discreet as possible relative to your core homepage content If you place ads outside the standard banner area at the top of the page, label them as advertising so that users don’t confuse them with your site’s content Avoid using ad conventions to showcase regular features of the site

19 Types of web advertising Banners – (static, animated and interactive) Interstitial –(pop ups and similar pages that interrupt the user) Rich Media –(Advanced technology, incorporating video, audio, animation and photographs) Sponsorships, events and corporate sites Opt-ins –(forms, newsletters push technologies) Viral marketing and email campaigns Spam, malware and cookies

20 Institutional advertising/ Image advertising The aim here is the building up a good image for the company rather than of the product. The company is presented as serving the public through sponsorships of cultural, sports and social events, as supporting charities and social service causes. Generally, such advertising does a public relations job for the company. Institutional ad may persuade its audience to patronise a particular retailer or store, or in terms of a strike tell the workers of what it has done for them in the past and what it plans for their future- could be a type of public relation activity. Finally, it could be simply an attempt by the company to create the image of how public spirited it is by talking about its contribution to the development of the community.

21 The advertising technique used is again information oriented rather than rhetorical. The message is carefully designed keeping in mind the response that will be elicited by the message in terms of favourable brand image making future activities of the company smooth while keeping its audience interested. The large display of ‘achievements’ of state governments, the telephone and telecommunications authorities, the Indian railways serve a similar purpose.

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