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HGCA response to RFA call for Evidence Alastair Dickie Director, Crop Marketing, HGCA.

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Presentation on theme: "HGCA response to RFA call for Evidence Alastair Dickie Director, Crop Marketing, HGCA."— Presentation transcript:

1 HGCA response to RFA call for Evidence Alastair Dickie Director, Crop Marketing, HGCA

2 Question 3: What are the relationships between demand for biofuel feedstock, commodity prices, land conversion and food insecurity? How might these be affected in the future by yield improvements and other factors?

3 Wheat demand growth =5Mt pa (0.8%) Maize demand growth =15Mt pa (1.9%) World grain demand - demand for world grains is rising (food & fuel) Source : USDA

4 World grain production 2007 - maize dominates, wheat at mercy of weather Source: USDA (Jan 08)

5 World opening grain stocks fuelling volatility and reliance on the 2008 crop Source: USDA (Dec 07)

6 World wheat production – erosion of yield triggered strong buying Source: IGC (Oct 07)

7 Source: HGCA Intervention World market volatility - rally caused by wheat supply events!

8 Wheat shortage, not biofuel demand - high protein wheat at a large premium Source: HGCA.

9 Trend Analysis - the key markets are just unpredictable Wheat Rice SugarBean Oil

10 Chicago Corn v NY Gasoline - some linkage in price but not always

11 Chicago Bean oil v NY Diesel - demand leakage gives price influence

12 Main market influences - mostly non-UK factors Global Factors Wheat crops lower in main producing countries World 2007/08 wheat crop not large enough to replenish stocks Quality issues in the US and the EU GM-free feedgrain demand And here in the UK 2007 crop 1.6Mt lower than in 2006, at 13.14Mt Overall quality lower than in 2006 Just 11% meet high quality bread wheat specifications compared to over 40% in 2006 Source: HGCA.

13 Source: HGCA & Friends World Grain Production Costs* - grain & oilseeds respond to economic signals * Estimated Average for France, UK, Canada, USA, Australia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan. Excludes rent and mortgage charges 2002/3Index to Average*2008/9 Seed9.813.1 Fertiliser19.438.9 Protection15.620.8 Contracting5.57.3 Total VC50.480.0 Labour14.719.6 Machinery34.445.7 Other13.217.5 Total Costs112.6162.8 Market price $100-120 $200-350 ($/mt)

14 Back to basics - economics applies to grain markets Price Quantity D P S Q Market Drivers: Weather, Transport Costs Trade flows

15 Back to basics - demand shift from new / expanded uses Price Quantity D2D2 D1D1 P1P1 S Q1Q1 Q2Q2 Market Drivers: Asia demand BioFuels Crude Oil Prices

16 Back to basics - prices rise, yield problems, low stocks, new supplies Price Quantity D2D2 D1D1 P1P1 P2P2 S Q1Q1 Q2Q2 Market Drivers: Security of u Supply Fuel Prices New Plantings Substitution Sustainability

17 Source: USDA/IGC/HGCA High forward prices for grain & oilseeds - will lead to a global supply response

18 World Wheat Area strong prices encourage plantings Source: USDA (Dec 07)

19 Supply response expected in 2008 - IGC forecasts record wheat crop of 646Mt IGC estimates 3% increase for world wheat plantings: EU +6% to 26.3M Ha Germany +6%; France +5%; UK +13% FSU +3% to 47.9M Ha Russia +3%; Ukraine +12% Canada +14% to 9.8M Ha USA +5% to 21.7M Ha Australia +10% to 13.5M Ha

20 USA is planting more ! - but will there be enough maize, beans, or wheat? Source: USDA/ La Salle.

21 and EU-27 wheat production is rising - area increase to boost output by maybe 17Mt in ‘08 Source: Strategie Grains + 3.4Mt

22 EU plants more Maize - to address the feedgrain shortage Source: Strategie Grains

23 HGCA Internal Study - the analysis suggests a lot more wheat Source: HGCA UK Crop EstimatesAreaYieldProduction (‘000 Ha)(tonnes/Ha)(‘000 Tonnes) Wheat - Typical1,8007.9014,220 Wheat - Zero Setaside2,1637.8516,980 Expected Increase 20083632,760 Ref: Strategy Graines20508.0216,441

24 Source: Oilworld. 2003/042004/052005/062006/07 Fob Vegetable Oil Prices - soft oil demand boosts sun and rape oils

25 We know that Asia’s Veg Oil Needs are expanding - both China & India are dependent on imports…… Source: USDA. India China

26 ..but the EU also needs more oil -and is also dependent on imports Source: Oilworld, ‘000 ts

27 World Oilseed Production & Stocks - sharp fall in carry-over stocks for next year Source: USDA. * 2008/09 beginning stocks down by 16Mt

28 UK Household Expenditure - more leisure and motoring %

29 Raw Material costs are not the issue - developed countries pay for added value

30 Raw Material costs are not the issue - managing costs is the issue

31 Food Waste or Food Security - less waste to release resources to tackle climate change

32 … let’s work together to improve our world Thank you

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