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Social Pharmacy Lecture no. 8 Rational prescribing guidelines.

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1 Social Pharmacy Lecture no. 8 Rational prescribing guidelines

2 Why we need to have prescribing guidelines?
Doctors – diagnostic aspect Pure Pharmacologist – Drug focussed - Mechanism of action - Side effects Lacking/weak in practical prescribing skills

3 Rational prescribing guidelines
Good prescribing requires a sound and up-to-date knowledge on pharmacology and applied therapeutics Following are the general guidelines to be followed for a good prescribing Define patient’s problem and specify the therapeutic objective Decide drug therapy is required to achieve the objective

4 Un necessary drug usage can be avoided
Use drugs only when indicated – Potential benefits overweigh the risks If drug therapy is required how will we choose the drug?

5 If required choose a drug of proven efficacy and safety and be affordable and suitable
Choose the suitable dose Avoid using drugs of same class Inform the patient Monitor the effects of treatment If treatment fails try and identify why? Decide whether same treatment to be continued

6 Rational use of antibiotics
Antibiotics are used for infectious diseases Major cause for morbidity & mortality Irrational or misuse of antibiotics When not indicated Without diagnosis Frequent change of antibiotics Suboptimal dose of antibiotics Not completing the course of treatment

1. Use of antibiotics only when indicated Culture and sensitivity before using antibiotic Choice of antibiotic Adequate dose and duration of treatment Check for history of allergy Prophylactic use of antibiotic- surgical prophylaxis Empirical therapy

8 Rational use of injections
Injections are preferred by patients and doctors for various health problems, though not justified. Patient’s eyes – powerful & increased success rate Doctor’s eyes – fear of non-compliance , economic factors.

9 Unnecessary use of injections can lead to
Higher cost Need of more trained staff Increased time to administer drug Possible transmission of serious pathogens Risk of abscess formation if unhygenically administered Increased risk of Adverse Drug Reactions(ADRs)

10 Use of injections should be restricted to
Oral administration is not tolerated due to various reasons. Formulation is available only as injectables Non compliance Absorption problem High tissue conc. Urgent treatment in rapidly progressing illness

11 Rational use of OTC drugs
What is an OTC drug? – Drugs which can be available without prescriptions Antibiotics & various potent drugs ? Inappropriate use of OTC drugs Dangerous / fatal outcomes Vitamins & tonics, iron prepns,analgesics,NSAIDs,cough mixtures etc. are sold from the community pharmacy without considering their genuine requirements

12 Patient’s desire for treatment(even if ineffective)
Pharmacist’s desire to please the patient and to sell his products. Rational use of OTC drugs – rational prescribing guidelines Take care that the medication is not contraindicated in a particular patient. Enquire about other drug therapy to avoid drug- drug interactions

13 Summary To summarize…


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