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Today’s Agenda: NHS Announcement – Science Fair Community Service Hours see Mrs. Lewis! Catalina Island Announcement – Meeting on 1/16 & 2:30 in.

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s Agenda: NHS Announcement – Science Fair Community Service Hours see Mrs. Lewis! Catalina Island Announcement – Meeting on 1/16 & 2:30 in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s Agenda: NHS Announcement – Science Fair Community Service Hours see Mrs. Lewis! Catalina Island Announcement – Meeting on 1/16 & 1/17 @ 2:30 in Rm 609 Balance of monry is due by Feb. 14 th. How do they track species? Evolution Question and Answer Session! Learning Goals: 1.At the end of this lesson, students should be able to analyze the number of species found on an undisturbed island to determine two factors: immigration and extinction. Homework: 1.Pre-test Analysis due Monday! 1.Explain teach one what is correct about the question and what is wrong with the question and why!!! DO NOT REGURGITATE WHAT IS IN THE BOOK OR THE NOTES!!! THINK ON YOUR OWN!! – 20 points 2.Read & answer questions for Chapters 10-12 by January 25 th for 60 points! 3.Eco-column Lab Report -2/1 4.Public Lands Worksheet due Tuesday, 1/14 for 20 points! Pick up: Nothing!

2 Would you believe me if I said there is a picture imbedded in it? In order to see it you must stare at it for awhile. Look at it as if you are looking thru the picture. Unfocus your eyes or cross them. Eventually it will pop out at you!


4 What was the point of this exercise?

5  Yep! AP is a different breed! Here is the rest of the year’s chapter readings, questions and due dates!  Read & answer questions for Chapters 10-12 by January 25 th for 60 points!  Read & answer questions for Chapter 18 by February 8 th for 20 points!  Read & answer questions for Chapters 14 & 21by Feb 15 th for 40 pts!  Read & answer questions for Chapters 8 & 9 by Mar 1 st for 40 pts!  Read & answer questions for Chapter 13 by Mar 28 th for 20 pts!  Read & answer questions for Chapter 15-17 by April 12 th for 60 pts!  Read & answer questions for Chapter 19 & 20 by April 26 th for 40 pts!

6 EVOLUTION – NATURAL SELECTION LAB  Post-Lab Discussion  Natural selection is the mechanism of evolution that acts on the heritable variations of individuals and results in a population that is better adapted to its current environment.  Darwin spent many years collecting data to support his theory  One of Darwin’s most famous examples are the finches of the Galapagos’s islands. Darwin noted the variety of beak shapes of the finches. 6

7 EVOLUTION – NATURAL SELECTION LAB  Discussion Question: Why do you think the finches have different sized beaks? 7

8 EVOLUTION – NATURAL SELECTION LAB 8 Observation 1Individuals within a species vary in many ways Observation 2Some of this variability can be inherited Observation 3Every generation produces far more offspring than can survive and pass on their variations Observation 4Populations of species tend to remain stable in size Inference 1Members of the same species compete with each other for survival Inference 2Individuals with more favorable variations are more likely to survive and pass them on. Survival is not random. Inference 3As these individuals contribute proportionately more offspring to succeeding generations, the favorable variations will become more common. Natural Selection is based on some basic observations and inferences:

9 EVOLUTION – NATURAL SELECTION LAB  Video “How does evolution really work?” from the website When you are done, you will write a reflection on the following question:“How does evolution really work?”  Use each of the observations and inferences of natural selection to explain the results of the activity  Please share what you have written with a shoulder partner for 2 minutes. You should discuss how the activity can be related to the observations and inferences of natural selection. Be prepared to discuss as a class, how the activity relates to natural selection. 9

10 EVOLUTION – NATURAL SELECTION LAB  Closure:  Submit reflection for evaluation. 10

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