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Central America and the Caribbean Objective: to introduce the geography of Central America and the Caribbean.

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Presentation on theme: "Central America and the Caribbean Objective: to introduce the geography of Central America and the Caribbean."— Presentation transcript:

1 Central America and the Caribbean Objective: to introduce the geography of Central America and the Caribbean

2 Central America Isthmus (def?) Divided by Panama Canal (which country created this?) Highest Point: Pico Duarte (DR) More than 80 active volcanoes in the region! Unstable physical region due to location of plates – Soufriere Hills (Montserrat, 1997)



5 Disasters Earthquakes are common – Can oftentimes lead to mudslides San Salvador destroyed and rebuilt – 2001 earthquake (destroyed 100,000 homes)

6 Climate Trade winds bring rain to the region Large bodies of water and land close to the equator create a warm and wet climate. – Provides great climate to grow bananas and coffee Hurricanes are prevalent. Mountainous areas block winds and create less tropical forests in certain areas.(Central American Highlands)


8 Most people live in the highlands due to cooler climate. Cloud forest (Costa Rica) – Clouds near the ground, cooler than lowland forests Coral reef – biodiversity


10 Land Use Smaller countries = less natural resources Many farmers in rural areas Mining for Bauxite (Jamaica) is used for making aluminum Plantations grow cash crops in some countries – What are some examples of cash crops?


12 Tourism Most popular use of land in the region. Bahamas and Jamaica have two of the largest tourism based economies. Foreign companies and investors often make most of the money, leaving little to local people.


14 Environmental Concerns Tourism increases pop. Density, can make fresh water scarce. Farming for cash crops increases the use of pesticides. Deforestation – Leads to decrease in habitat and biodiversity in specific regions.


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