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Autism Autistic Spectrum Disorder Asperger’s Syndrome.

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Presentation on theme: "Autism Autistic Spectrum Disorder Asperger’s Syndrome."— Presentation transcript:

1 Autism Autistic Spectrum Disorder Asperger’s Syndrome

2 Continuum / Spectrum Severe autism With additional Learning difficulties Asperger’s Syndrome High functioning Autism

3 Diagnosis based on Triad of Impairments Communication: Language impairment across all modes of communication, speech, intonation, gesture, facial expression and other body language. Imagination: Rigidity and inflexibility of thought processes, resistance to change, obsessional and ritualistic behaviour. Socialisation: difficulties with social relationships poor social timing, lack of empathy, rejection of normal body contact, inappropriate eye contact. (Dr Lorna wing)

4 We need to stress that all people with Autism are individuals, and differences rather than similarities prevail. this is a communication disorder. the nature of ASD often means that ANXIETY is fundamental to the difficulties experienced.

5 Impairment of Imagination Dependence on routine Obsessional rituals Impaired or rigid approach to problem solving. Inability to generalise learning or experience. Unable to predict what will happen next.

6 Poor incidental learning. Difficulty in including new information with concepts already learned. Impaired planning or organisational skills

7 How does this affect learning? Clear structure required. Clear instructions required. Warning of changes to routine required. May find great difficulty in tasks that have high demand for imagination. May excel in tasks where facts need to be learned. Homework problems – home/school divide

8 Impairment of Social Interaction May include Lack of attention to others Appearing aloof and indifferent Not recognising that they are members of a group Behaving inappropriately to the social context

9 Total lack of understanding of all types of ‘play’, including team games. Failing to understand the social norms of what may and may not be said. Failing to understand the norms of social distance.

10 Incomprehension of others’ emotions, thoughts, beliefs and knowledge. Bizarre behaviours, especially when stressed or anxious.

11 How does this affect learning? PE and games may present particular difficulty for some. Alternatives may be necessary for physical fitness. Unstructured times (break and lunchtime) are often times when things go wrong with peers. Classroom behaviours are not always in place and may need to be taught e.g. not calling out/interrupting The social curriculum (SEAL, and Citizenship) often cause problems if basic understanding is missing.

12 Impairment of Language and Communication Displays indifference. Poor eye contact Echolalia - copies words like a parrot

13 Speaks on a monotone or with odd intonation. Very literal interpretation. Difficulty with jokes, puns, and ambiguities. Lack of understanding of the accepted norms of conversational behaviour. May lose the thread and become swamped if too much language is used.

14 One sided interaction. May speak incessantly and obsessively on one topic or pedantically expand on everything. Problems with short term/working memory Possible imbalance between receptive and expressive language.

15 How does this affect learning? Inability to follow social communication rules may present as rudeness. Following cues from peers may give an impression of knowing what has been said. Open ended questions may be impossible to answer – too broad. Communication ‘rules’ may need to be restated for the benefit of the individual. Too much ‘teacher talk’ may lose the young person along the way. Long instructions may need to be written down in sequential ‘chunks’.

16 Some other associated problems Anxiety - often linked with change of any kind. For our purposes this may be the overwhelming factor. Perceptive or sensory differences : -Exceptionally acute hearing -vision which may be affected by intensity or colour of light -difficulties with spatial awareness An inability to make sense of the world around them, and their place in it.

17 The role of all adults:-  To present a calm, positive and consistent approach.  To develop an empathy and understanding of the disorder, and acceptance of the child.  To consider the environment and try to adapt it to enable the child.  To communicate in as clear and structured a way as possible, according to the needs of the individual child.

18 To provide clarity of expectation and consistency. Be consistent and never take it personally

19 Structure Provide schedules, lists or pictures to show your child what is going to happen in your lesson Teach the young person to listen to you, by always ensuring you have his/her attention first. Give the young person reasonable warning of the finishing time so that transitions are not unexpected.

20 Children with Autism should not be expected to fit any specific model or to benefit from exactly the same kind of interventions, although there are some common strategies that are effective if adapted to the individual child’s needs and abilities.

21 So a child with Autism may not understand the spoken word recognise facial expressions understand body language be able to predict what is going to happen next ask relevant questions. How would this make you feel?

22 Things to remember Gain the pupil’s attention by using his/her name before giving an instruction. Ensure you have his full attention by asking him to look at you (show good listening skills) before continuing. Ensure that he is seated in a position in the class with minimum distraction - near to the front and away from windows. Be proactive - move him away from distraction in a quiet manner.

23 Give short, concise instructions, directed specifically at the pupil. After your instruction ask the pupil to give you a recap to check that it is understood. Some pupils will benefit from having instructions written down. When asking questions allow ‘processing’ time before expecting an answer. Be prepared for odd answers - they usually have a degree of literal understanding about them!

24 Be precise - avoid figures of speech, idioms, ambiguity, irony and sarcasm. Provide warning of any changes to routine whenever possible. Be firm and matter of fact. ‘ Autistic people have to understand scientifically what non-autistic people already understand instinctively.’

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