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Final Exam Review: General A&P

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1 Final Exam Review: General A&P
Distinguish between anatomy & physiology What is homeostasis? How do negative and positive feedback loops contribute to maintenance of homeostasis? Describe the anatomical position Define the following words: Lateral/medial Inferior/superior Anterior/posterior Dorsal/ventral

2 Final Exam Review: General A&P
Identify the anatomical planes shown on the following body

3 Exam Review: Histology
1. Identify each of the following descriptions as pertaining to either epithelial or connective tissues Composed largely of non-living extracellular matrix, important in protection & support Avascular but innervated Lines body cavities, covers surfaces & forms glands Explain the meaning of the following categories used to classify epithelial tissue Simple v. Stratified v. Pseudostratified Squamous v. Cuboidal v. Columnar Identify and differentiate between the three types of fibers (collagen, elastin & reticular) produced in connective tissue cells.

4 Final Exam Review: Histology
Tissue Types: Simple columnar Pseudostratified columnar Adipose Hyaline Cartilage Fibrocartilage Dense fibrous Tissue functions?

5 Final Exam Review: Integumentary
What are the main components of the integumentary system? What functions are served by the integumentary system? Identify and describe the 3 dermal layers seen in the cross section of skin below:


7 Final Exam Review: Skeletal
List the functions of the skeletal system Distinguish between the axial and appendicular skeleton. Describe the parts of a bone shown on the long bone and cross section to the right.


9 Final Exam Review: Muscular
What functions are carried out by the muscular system? Distinguish between cardiac, smooth and skeletal muscles in terms of striations, nucleation, structure (branching? spindled?), control (voluntary or involuntary?) and location . Refer to the structure of a sarcomere shown below to explain the sliding filament theory of muscle contraction

10 Final Exam Review: Nervous

11 Final Exam Review: Nervous

12 Final Exam Review: Cardiovascular
Follow the pathway of the drop of blood through the heart (chambers & valves), major vessels, body & lungs starting in the left atrium. Distinguish between systemic and pulmonary circulation. Describe the endocardium, epicardium, myocardium & pericardium, with respect to heart structure Distingiush between arteries, veins & capillaries in terms of structure and direction of transport. Describe the composition of blood Distinguish between systole & diastole; Summarize the five events of the cardiac cycle






18 Final Exam Review: Respiratory
Distinguish between the conducting & true respiratory structures of the respiratory system Describe what happens during inspiration with respect to volume, pressure & diaphragm movement What triggers breathing/gas exchange? Identify the structures indicated on the diagram to the right.


20 Final Exam Review: Digestive
Distinguish between alimentary/G.I. organs & accessory organs of the digestive system Differentiate between mechanical & chemical digestion and give an example of each Identify & describe the function of the structures on the diagram to the right


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