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公益广告 Tobacco kills more than heroin and cocaine. 香烟杀人比海洛因和可卡因加起来还多。 ( 海洛因和可卡因拼起来的香烟形状,让文案里的那句话 深入人心 )

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Presentation on theme: "公益广告 Tobacco kills more than heroin and cocaine. 香烟杀人比海洛因和可卡因加起来还多。 ( 海洛因和可卡因拼起来的香烟形状,让文案里的那句话 深入人心 )"— Presentation transcript:


2 公益广告 Tobacco kills more than heroin and cocaine. 香烟杀人比海洛因和可卡因加起来还多。 ( 海洛因和可卡因拼起来的香烟形状,让文案里的那句话 深入人心 )

3  Look at the following pictures and tell me what harmful effects the pictures show.

4  Smoking will have a bad influence on your child, because they are more likely to begin smoking if they see you smoking at home.

5  Do you think there are only these harmful effects of smoking?(Discuss and list out your opinion)

6 Discussion ( 10minutes ) Here are some situations, each group chooses one to discuss, every member should give at least one idea, the reporter writes down all the ideas, then some groups will be asked to give a report.

7 Situation 1: Suppose you are a teacher, how will you persuade your students to quit smoking. Situation 2: Suppose you are a boss, how will you persuade your employees( 职员) to quit smoking. Situation 3: Suppose your father is a smoker, how will you persuade him to quit smoking. Situation 4: Suppose your teacher is a smoker, how will you persuade him to quit smoking.

8 Teamwork 1. Find out the key points of the text. 2. Search some more information about the harmful effects of smoking and advice on stopping smoking.


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