1 Balloting/Handling Negative Votes September 22 nd and 24 th, 2009 ASTM Virtual Training Session Christine DeJong Joe Koury.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Balloting/Handling Negative Votes September 22 nd and 24 th, 2009 ASTM Virtual Training Session Christine DeJong Joe Koury."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Balloting/Handling Negative Votes September 22 nd and 24 th, 2009 ASTM Virtual Training Session Christine DeJong Joe Koury

2 2 General Overview of Different Levels of Balloting The Committee on Standards (COS) Main Committee Ballot / Society Review Subcommittee Ballot

3 3 Balance and Voting vs. Non Voting Status

4 Producer User & General Interest ASTM Technical Committees are balanced. No excess influence by any interest group. 4 Balance of Interest

5 5 Voting Rights - Voting vs. Non-Voting 1 official vote per interest (company) All are welcome to participate in technical discussions All members receive a ballot and are eligible to vote on technical issues All negatives are considered the same way

6 6 Subcommittee Ballot Subcommittee Ballot Subcommittee Ballot New Standards New Standards Major Revisions Major Revisions

7 7 Subcommittee Balloting Authorization of Subcommittee Ballots Authorization of Subcommittee Ballots Sub chairman Sub chairman Motion at Meeting Motion at Meeting Ballot Open for Minimum of 30 Days Ballot Open for Minimum of 30 Days Qualifications for Valid Subcommittee Ballot – 60% return and 2/3 affirmative Qualifications for Valid Subcommittee Ballot – 60% return and 2/3 affirmative Late Ballot Returns Forwarded for Information Late Ballot Returns Forwarded for Information

8 8 Sub Ballot Notification Email

9 9 Subcommittee Ballot Results Ballot Results Summary Ballot Results Summary Negatives and Comments are posted online with 24 hour updates. Negatives and Comments are posted online with 24 hour updates. Closing Report includes links to all the comments and negatives Closing Report includes links to all the comments and negatives Posted on the ASTM website Posted on the ASTM website

10 10 My ASTM

11 11 My Ballots

12 12 Closed Ballots/Closing Report

13 13 Closing Report

14 14Negatives

15 15 Affirmative with Comments

16 16 Subcommittee Ballot Results Considering Ballot Results Considering Ballot Results Disposition of Negatives Disposition of Negatives Comments Comments

17 17 Six Resolutions of a Negative Vote Persuasive Persuasive Withdrawn Withdrawn Withdrawn with Editorial Change(s) Withdrawn with Editorial Change(s) Not Related Not Related Not Persuasive Not Persuasive Previously Considered Previously Considered

18 18 Persuasive General Agreement General Agreement Lack of a not persuasive motion Lack of a not persuasive motion A not persuasive motion fails (does not achieve a 2/3 affirmative) A not persuasive motion fails (does not achieve a 2/3 affirmative) Item is removed from ballot Item is removed from ballot

19 19 Withdrawn Withdrawn by the voter Withdrawn by the voter May withdraw negative at any time May withdraw negative at any time Ballot item moves forward Ballot item moves forward

20 20 Withdrawn with Editorial Change Withdrawn by the voter/agreed as editorial Withdrawn by the voter/agreed as editorial Editorial change introduces no change in technical content, but corrects typos or reduces ambiguity Editorial change introduces no change in technical content, but corrects typos or reduces ambiguity If editorial changes are involved, please include for next level of balloting If editorial changes are involved, please include for next level of balloting

21 21 Not Persuasive/Not Related/Previously Considered Motion/Second/Rationale Motion/Second/Rationale 2/3 affirmative vote at a meeting or via ballot 2/3 affirmative vote at a meeting or via ballot Negatives that are determined not related must be addressed as items of new business Negatives that are determined not related must be addressed as items of new business

22 22 The Main Committee Ballot

23 23 Initiation of Main Committee Ballots Submittal Requirements Submittal Requirements Results of subcommittee ballot Results of subcommittee ballot Name and affiliation of negative voters Name and affiliation of negative voters Negative voters statements Negative voters statements Subcommittee negative resolution including rationale Subcommittee negative resolution including rationale Open for 30 Days Open for 30 Days Simultaneous with Society Review Simultaneous with Society Review

24 24 Concurrent Ballots Balloting Subcommittee and Main Committee at the same time Balloting Subcommittee and Main Committee at the same time Used for Minor Revisions / New Standards or Major Revisions that have been balloted at least once before Used for Minor Revisions / New Standards or Major Revisions that have been balloted at least once before Same requirements as Main Committee Ballot Same requirements as Main Committee Ballot Simultaneous with Society Review Simultaneous with Society Review

25 25 Qualifications for Valid Main Committee / Concurrent Ballots 90% Affirmative of Combined Affirmative and Negative Votes 90% Affirmative of Combined Affirmative and Negative Votes 60% Return 60% Return Late Ballot Returns Late Ballot Returns Closing Reports Closing Reports Final Ballot Results Final Ballot Results Disposition of Negatives Disposition of Negatives Affirmative Votes w/ Comments Affirmative Votes w/ Comments

26 26 Society Review In Tandem with Main Committee Ballot In Tandem with Main Committee Ballot Notifications posted on ASTM Website Notifications posted on ASTM Website Requirements Requirements Disposition of All Negatives Disposition of All Negatives

27 27 Society Review

28 28 Committee on Standards (COS) 9 Member Group Representing ASTM Committees 9 Member Group Representing ASTM Committees Due Process Due Process Appeals Based on Procedural Matters (NOT Technical) Appeals Based on Procedural Matters (NOT Technical) COS Ballot Procedures COS Ballot Procedures Final Approval Final Approval

29 29 The Three-Step Approach to Handling Negative Votes 1. Communication 2. Consideration 3. Documentation

30 30 Communication/Consideration/ Documentation 1. Communication – Meeting agendas, minutes, correspondence, direct contact between member & negative voter and other documentation 2. Consideration –Both subcommittee and main committee at a meeting or via ballot 3. Documentation – Resolution forms, online tools, minutes, correspondence

31 31 My Tools: Negatives

32 32 Open or Unresolved Ballots

33 33 Negatives and Comments

34 34 Negatives and Comments: Status

35 35 Resolution Options

36 36 Single vote Not Persuasive Ruling

37 37 Disposition of a Negative

38 38 Negative Resolution Forms

39 39 Helpful Hints Ballot controversial sections individually Ballot controversial sections individually Use good judgment when balloting sections separately Use good judgment when balloting sections separately Provide clear and informative cover letter for ballot item(s) Provide clear and informative cover letter for ballot item(s) Try to contact the negative voter before the meeting Try to contact the negative voter before the meeting

40 40 More Hints Address each portion of the negative vote in the subcommittees consideration Address each portion of the negative vote in the subcommittees consideration Submit editorially revised document with negative vote resolution forms to ASTM staff Submit editorially revised document with negative vote resolution forms to ASTM staff Comments are intended for editorial issues or technical items of new business Comments are intended for editorial issues or technical items of new business

41 41 Thank you for your attention. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this topic in additional detail, please contact your Committee Staff Manager for assistance.

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