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ELDRED CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT PROPOSED 2013-14 SCHOOL BUDGET April 11, 2013 Robert Dufour, Superintendent.

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1 ELDRED CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT PROPOSED 2013-14 SCHOOL BUDGET April 11, 2013 Robert Dufour, Superintendent

2 ELDRED CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT 2013-14 PROPOSED SCHOOL BUDGET 2012-13 Approved Budget$15,918,581 2013-14 Proposed Budget$16,259,864 Proposed Increase +$341,283 2.14%

3 ELDRED CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT 2013-14 PROPOSED SCHOOL BUDGET Program Budget Cuts  Supplies and Contractual-$75,661  Athletic Supplies-$ 9,193  Driver Education-$12,000 .6 FTE BOCES Technology Support-$69,300 Staffing Reductions  4 FTE teacher retirements (Replace 1 FTE)  1 FTE teaching assistant retirements  1 FTE reduction in force (PE)

4 ELDRED CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT 2013-14 PROPOSED SCHOOL BUDGET Impact of Budget Reductions  Staff realignments due to retirements  Academic programs intact including college level offerings  Interscholastic athletics intact  Supply and contractual expense budgets reduced by 10%, including interscholastic athletics

5 ELDRED CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT 2013-14 PROPOSED SCHOOL BUDGET Salaries  2012-13 $6,640,109  2013-14 $6,350,782  -$289,327

6 ELDRED CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT 2013-14 PROPOSED SCHOOL BUDGET BOCES  2012-13$2,304,302  2013-14$2,818,634  +$ 514,333  5 new special education placements  Occupational Education  BOCES Administrative Budget  Central Business Office Services

7 ELDRED CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT 2013-14 PROPOSED SCHOOL BUDGET Fringe Benefits  2012-13$3,327,681  2013-14$3,537,546  +$ 209,865  Teachers Retirement System  Workers Compensation Ins  Health Benefit Premiums

8 ELDRED CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT 2013-14 PROPOSED SCHOOL BUDGET Equipment and Contractual Expenses  2012-13$2,053,197  2013-14$1,964,053  -$ 89,144  Across the board reductions  Flat utility costs due to group bids for fuel oil and diesel, and long term price agreements for electric

9 ELDRED CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT 2013-14 PROPOSED SCHOOL BUDGET Tax Levy Limit  Calculated Tax Levy Limit is 4.91%  Proposed Tax Levy Increase is 4.90%

10 ELDRED CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT 2013-14 PROPOSED SCHOOL BUDGET Budget Adoption –April 11 or 23 BOCES Budget Approval-April 23 Board petitions due-April 22 Official Statement Available- April 26 Budget Hearing- May 9 Budget Vote and Election-May 21


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