Jeff Recor IAC 2003 FISSEA IA Community Outreach March 2005 Jeff Recor Director, IAC.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeff Recor IAC 2003 FISSEA IA Community Outreach March 2005 Jeff Recor Director, IAC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeff Recor IAC 2003 FISSEA IA Community Outreach March 2005 Jeff Recor Director, IAC

2 Jeff Recor IAC 2003 Discussion Points Enhancing the Educational Experience Nuts and Bolts Example Clients

3 Jeff Recor IAC 2003 A Little Knowledge … Symantec, 2004

4 Jeff Recor IAC 2003 Private Sector Viewpoint: Needs include: –Practitioners (technical) –Analysts (non-technical) –Management Method to properly evaluate experience and credentials Certifications not representative of need Experience, experience, experience

5 Jeff Recor IAC 2003 Academia Viewpoint: Need to create content that is current (valuable) Need to enable students to compete for jobs in marketplace Lack of instructors Lack of textbooks Lack of standards Don’t want to compete with “boot camps”

6 Jeff Recor IAC 2003 The “Gap” Employers do not see academia producing security practitioners –Knowledge is still “theoretical” –Additional training needed to make student “functional” after hiring –Perception is that we produce “analysts” Academia not getting clear signals about needs from employers –No “connection point” –Market data tough to come by

7 Jeff Recor IAC 2003 Enhancing Educational Experience Walsh College addressed this “gap” by creating the IAC: Information Assurance Center Model is based on “pay” for services approach Leverage students desire for “hands-on” with employers need for “bodies” Managed like a profit center Reporting structure supports mission

8 Jeff Recor IAC 2003 IAC Focus Information Assurance Center –Directs all efforts for IA at College –Works by subscription model –Offers faculty expertise, student projects and general assistance for subscribers –Knowledge repository for all IA topics –Lab facilities will be utilized for forensic and specialized client requests in conjunction with student needs

9 Jeff Recor IAC 2003 Nuts and Bolts What does the IAC do: –Connects students with employers: Projects Research Direct employment –Connects students with the community: Work with non-profits Help solve problems for citizens Support local professional organizations (ISSA, ISACA, etc) Presentations to K-12

10 Jeff Recor IAC 2003 Nuts and Bolts Main goal is to share knowledge !

11 Jeff Recor IAC 2003 Nuts and Bolts How does the IAC do it? –Support Structure Director, Assistant Director reports to President Separate financials Additional sales support (corporate services structure) Shared infrastructure (servers, web site, etc) Marketing –Students create & maintain support infrastructure Created IAC knowledge repository Create client content Managed by professors

12 Jeff Recor IAC 2003 Nuts and Bolts Financials –Revenue generation Three tiers of support Marketing support also allowed Can pay from $500 to $25,000 to “join” Marketing sponsorships cost $7,500 –Costs: Marketing Salaries –Break-even model

13 Jeff Recor IAC 2003 Nuts and Bolts Knowledge Repository –Information is tiered for sharing Non-members (everyone) Access depends on subscription level –Clients consent… –Students consent… –Information collected from all sources Projects Capstones Individual assignments

14 Jeff Recor IAC 2003 Colleges & Universities Industry Government Certifying Bodies Membership Alliances Articulation Appointment

15 Jeff Recor IAC 2003 Infrastructure Support Newsletter Global Threat Alert System Knowledge repository Security Job Portal IAC Member Help Desk (email) IAC member Chat FBI Infragard Listserv State of Michigan ISAC

16 Jeff Recor IAC 2003 Types of Activities Connecting Students with Employers: –Typical stuff Requests for research Requests for short term projects Requests for long term projects –Not so typical stuff Work with FBI Help the Army with DITSCAP Private sector projects

17 Jeff Recor IAC 2003 Examples of IAC Work Risk Assessment for Valassis State of Michigan Employee training THAW Fund Posture Review Route One executive training Budd Co Policy development GM Hacking video K-12 Cyber Awareness

18 Jeff Recor IAC 2003 Question and Answer 18

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