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A. What is it? B. Why is it important? C. How is it done?

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2 A. What is it? B. Why is it important? C. How is it done?

3 InOut Nutrients

4 Getting the balance right! Nutrients In Nutrients Out

5 Why manage nutrients? 1. Potential to reduce fertiliser costs 2. Protect the environment 3. Meet Nitrates Directive requirements 4.Efficiently meet crop nutrient requirements

6  Soil testing and analysis  Nutrient requirements for crop  Calculate what to put in / on the soil for crop

7  Green waste or mushroom compost ◦ free or cost of delivery/spreading  Savings ◦ Slurry – saving up to £95/ha ◦ FYM – saving up to £309/ha ◦ Dependant on the nutrient requirement  Essentially, adding organic materials reduces the amount of chemical fertiliser required  Chemical fertiliser is expensive!

8  Remember... ◦ nutrients in result in nutrients out  Excessive fertiliser, slurry, manure can result in: ◦ Leaching ◦ Soil particle loss ◦ Nutrient runoff causing enrichment or eutrophication  Biggest trheat to NI waterways ◦ Waste of money

9  Nutrients N and P can become pollutants if over applied  Nitrated Directive sets out rules/regs for arable and grassland crops  Need to follow guidance on soil analysis

10 See pages 68 & 69 of the NAP Booklet

11 Crop requirement for phosphate See page 72 Nitrates Guidance Booklet

12  Remember main crop nutrients:  N = Nitrogen  P = Phosphorus  K = Potassium  Also Sulphur, Magnesium and Calcium ◦ These do not appear directly on fertiliser but are often incorporated

13  Law of limiting factors  Liebigs Barrell  Water represents crop  If even one nutrient (major or minor) is below crop requirement, the crop will not perform to full potential

14 Step 1 - Soil analysis Step 2 - What does the soil analysis mean? Step 3 - Estimate Nitrogen requirements Step 4 - What nutrients does the crop require? Step 5 - How many nutrients can be supplied by organic manures? Step 6 - Which chemical fertiliser can supply the remaining nutrients required

15  What information is on soil analysis?  What key nutrient is missing?

16  Nitrogen is not included in soil analysis  Estimated after considering ◦ rainfall ◦ soil type ◦ previous cropping  Soil Nitrogen Supply (SNS) Index – the higher the index, the lower the requirement  RB209

17  Rainfall in Northern Ireland is classed as ◦ Moderate/Medium (600-700mm annual rainfall or 150-250mm excess winter rainfall) ◦ OR ◦ High (over 700mm annual rainfall or over 250mm excess winter rainfall)  Depending on moderate or high rainfall, SNS index will vary slightly.

18  Soil type affects HOW nutrients are retained  Light and/or shallow soils have POOR retention (leaching)  Medium, deep clay or deep silt soils have MODERATE – GOOD retention  Soils with over 10% organic matter can retain TOO MUCH, meaning nutrients may not be available to the plant (lock-up) Most NI Soils

19 Low and medium N vegetables are crops such as carrots, onions, radish, swedes or turnips where the amount of crop residue is relatively small.

20 Crop requirement depends on: Crop type What’s already in the soil The higher the soil nutrient reserves (Soil Index), the lower the need for additional nutrients RB 209

21  Index for Phosphorus(2)  Index for Potassium(1)

22 SNS, P, K Index 0123456 Kg/ha Turnips, Parsnips Nitrogen (N) –all soil types 170130100702000 Phosphate (P 5 O 2 )20015010050000 Potash (K 2 O)300250200 (2-) 150 (2+) 0000 We know from high rainfall that N needs index 1 We know from soil analysis that P needs index 2 and K needs index 1

23 SNS, P, K Index 0123456 Kg/ha Turnips, Parsnips Nitrogen (N) –all soil types 170130100702000 Phosphate (P 5 O 2 )20015010050000 Potash (K 2 O)300250200 (2-) 150 (2+) 0000 What is the requirement? N = index 1 = P = index 2 = K= index 1 = 130 kg/ha 100 kg/ha 250 kg/ha

24  Soil ◦ Soil analysis - index shows the recommended amount of P and K to add to soil ◦ SNS index gives recommended amount of N to add  Manure / green waste / slurry ◦ Adds both nutrients and organic matter to help with soil structure  Chemical fertiliser ◦ Adds the remaining nutrients necessary to meet crop requirements

25  RB209 gives nutrient availability for a range of manures, slurries and organic matter: Organic Matter type Nutrient content (kg/t) NPK Farm Yard Manure Green Waste <

26  Assume you have 10 ton green waste compost to apply over 2 acres (i.e. 5 ton/acre)  To find the volume applied of a particular organic material:  Ton/acre applied x 2.471 = volume applied t/ha  5 ton/acre x 2.471 = 12.355 t/ha

27  Volume applied =12.355 t/ha  To find the nutrient content of a particular organic material:  Kg/t Nutrient applied x volume applied t/ha = nutrient content  N = 0.2 x 12.355  P = 3.0 x 12.355  K = 5.5 x 12.355 Organic Matter type Nutrient content (kg/t) NPK Green Waste<

28  Volume applied =12.355 t/ha  To find the nutrient content of a particular organic material:  Kg/t Nutrient applied x volume applied t/ha = nutrient content  N = 0.2 x 12.355  P = 3.0 x 12.355  K = 5.5 x 12.355 Organic Matter type Nutrient content (kg/t) NPK Green Waste< =2.471 kg/ha =37.065 kg/ha =67.95 kg/ha

29  You now know:  Nutrient requirement for crop from the soil analysis  Nutrient content of adding an organic matter (example)  Now you need to add chemical fertiliser to make up the balance NPK 130100250 2.53768 127.563182

30 N Nitrogen P Phosphorus K Potassium S Sulphur ………NO 3 Nitrate ………P 2 O 5 Phosphate ………K 2 O Potash ………S0 4 Sulphate Nutrients needed by crops for growth

31 Chemical Fertiliser 20 12 25 % Nitrogen (N) % Potash (K 2 0) % Phosphate (P 2 0 5 ) Step 6 1 50kg bag/acre = 125kg/ha

32  We need ◦ 127.5kg/ha N, 63kg/ha P, 182 kg/ha K  1 50kg bag/acre = 125kg/ha  Need to find out what 20-12-25 fertiliser really offers in order to find out the balance.

33  Calculate the amount of N, P & K supplied when applying 10 bags of 20-12-25 per hectare. ◦ One bag of fertiliser = 50kg  A) number of bags/ha x 50kg = application rate  A) 10 bags/ha x 50kg = 500 kg/ha application rate

34  Remember application rate = 500kg/ha  B) % nutrient x application rate kg/ha = nutrient applied 100(kg/ha)  N = 20 x 500kg/ha = 100  P = 12 x 500kg/ha = 100  K = 25 x 500kg/ha = 100

35  Remember application rate = 500kg/ha  B) % nutrient x application rate kg/ha = nutrient applied 100(kg/ha)  N = 20 x 500kg/ha = 100  P = 12 x 500kg/ha = 100  K = 25 x 500kg/ha = 100 100 kg/ha Nitrogen 60 kg/ha Phosphorus 125 kg/ha Potassium

36 (1) N Kg/ha (2) P 2 O 5 (1) K 2 0 A Crop requirement (Based on crop type & soil analysis) 130100250 B Available nutrients green waste compost (5 ton/acre) 2.53768 C Available nutrients Chemical fertiliser 20-12-25 (10bags/ha) 10060125 What we know so far...

37 (1) N Kg/ha (2) P 2 O 5 (1) K 2 0 ACrop requirement 130100250 BAvailable nutrients green waste compost 2.53768 CAvailable nutrients Chemical fertiliser 10060125 D Total Inputs (B+C) 102.597193 Balance left (A – D) (Nutrient still required) What is the balance?

38 (1) N Kg/ha (2) P 2 O 5 (1) K 2 0 ACrop requirement 130100250 BAvailable nutrients green waste compost 2.53768 CAvailable nutrients Chemical fertiliser 10060125 D Total Inputs (B+C) 102.597193 Balance left (A – D) (Nutrient still required) 27.5357 What is the balance?

39  From the given inputs of ◦ Existing soil nutrients ◦ Added organic matter ◦ Chemical fertiliser  Most of the nutritional needs are met Remaining Balance NPK 27.5357

40  What happens with the remaining balance?  Fertiliser application may be split over 2 or more treatments (in seed bed, over crop, etc), allowing opportunity to...  Use straight fertiliser (just N or K)  Could change an input (try calculation using FYM or slurry) Remaining Balance NPK 27.5357

41  Must not exceed ◦ Nitrogen requirement ◦ Phosphorus requirement  Can lead to pollution Remaining Balance NPK 27.5357

42 1. N, P, K In = N, P, K Out 2. Nutrient sources soil, manure/organic matter and fertiliser 3. Make best use of nutrient sources  Save money  Protect the environment  Meet Nitrates Directive Requirements 4. How?  Soil sampling and analysis is the starting point  Estimate crop needs  Use manure/organic matter effectively  Only use fertiliser to top-up any outstanding crop needs 5. Help  Crop Nutrient Recommendation Calculator  Nitrates Guidance  RB209  Codes of Good Agricultural Practice

43 Nutrient Calculation

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