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Topographic maps Topographic maps

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1 Topographic maps Topographic maps
149 150 Topographic maps 1/20/2015 1/20/2015 Application: Paste Notes Here Starter: Paste here Connection: Worksheet Practice: Write observations here: Draw your picture here Exit: The rocks found on river banks are smooth and circular in shape. Explain what natural phenomenon you think is responsible for the circular shape of the rocks.

2 Warm up The map shows the western coast of South America. Which process caused the upward movement that formed the Andes Mountains? Seafloor spreading Deposition of sediment Tectonic plate collision Erosion of rock layers

3 1 Starter 2. Activity 3.Notes 4. Ws 5. Exit
January 20, 2015 AGENDA Objective 8.9 B Students will relate plate tectonics to the formation of crustal features by reading and writing during Tectonic Landforms activity

4 Table of Contents Date Lecture/ Activity/ Lab Page
12/ Newton’s third Law Lab 12/ Newton’s third Law Lab # 12/ Newton’s laws Video Quiz 12/ Test Review / Plate Tectonic 12/ Evidence of Continental Drift 12/17 Pangaea 1/ Plate Boundary Notes 1/ Plate Boundary Activity 1/ Article and Quiz 1/ Semester Exam Review 1/ Plate Boundary Poster 1/ Plate Tectonics Candy Bar Lab 1/ Tectonics Activity 1/ Topographic Maps

5 Topographic maps Topographic maps
149 150 Topographic maps 1/20/2015 1/20/2015 Application: Paste Notes Here Starter: Paste here Connection: Worksheet Practice: Write observations here: Draw your picture here Exit: The rocks found on river banks are smooth and circular in shape. Explain what natural phenomenon you think is responsible for the circular shape of the rocks.

6 Practice Close your hand into a fist with the fingers and thumb facing away from you. Now pretend you are a tiny ant crawling across a fist. From the ant’s point of view, what landform does the ridge of your knuckles look like? How are your knuckles and a mountain range similar?

7 Practice Lay the rectangle of plastic wrap horizontally across the knuckles of your fist. Pull the overhanging section of plastic wrap on the outside of their hand underneath your palm and hold it in place with your thumb. Hold the other hanging piece to your palm.

8 Practice Draw a line around each of your knuckles across the top of the fist. Draw a second line around the outside of the first line on each knuckle. Draw one line around all four knuckles. Discuss and write your observations

9 Topographic maps Topographic maps
149 150 Topographic maps 1/20/2015 1/20/2015 Application: Paste Notes Here Starter: Paste here Connection: Worksheet Practice: Write observations here: Draw your picture here Exit: The rocks found on river banks are smooth and circular in shape. Explain what natural phenomenon you think is responsible for the circular shape of the rocks.

10 Reading and Interpreting Topographic Maps
Application Reading and Interpreting Topographic Maps

11 Topographic Map A map that show the elevation of the land, such as hills and valleys, using contour lines.

12 Elevation A term that describes the height of a point on Earth’s surface above (or below) sea level. This point is 6300 feet (1920 meters) above sea level.

13 Features of a Topographic Map
Natural Features Rivers, lakes Mountains Artificial (man made) features Cities Roads, bridges

14 Parts of a Topographic Map
Contour Lines A line that connects points of equal elevation Used to show features of the land Mountains, valleys, etc


16 Spacing of contour lines depends on steepness of slope
Close = steep slope Far apart = gentle slope

17 Types of Contour Lines Or Gentle

18 Contour Interval The difference in elevation between one contour line and the next Spacing of lines depends on slope characteristics

19 Index Contour A darker, bolder contour line that indicates a change in elevation Usually found every fifth contour line

20 What is the contour interval in this example?

21 What does contour line spacing indicate?
The closer together the contour lines are, the steeper the hill is. The more spread apart they are, the gentler the slope. Traveling along the red line would be much steeper than traveling along the green line.

22 Which way is the stream flowing?
When contour lines cross a stream or river, they form v-shaped kinks in the lines that always point upstream. Also remember - Water always flows DOWNHILL! Blue Creek flow towards the East.

23 Finding the hill tops Hill tops are easy to find. Just look for the concentric closed contour lines that form the top of a hill. Notice the contour lines that form the two peaks below.

24 What do those funny hachure marks mean?
Some features, such as the Grand Canyon, lakes, mines, or sinkholes actually are holes in the ground. The hachured contours indicate a depression. Don’t confuse it with a hilltop! 800 700 600

25 Relief The difference between the highest elevation point and the lowest elevation point on a map 200 300 400 Units = meters What is the relief of this map? What is the contour interval of this map? 200 meters 100 meters

26 Satellite Map View A map made of pictures of the Earth taken from a satellite orbiting the Earth Andes Mountains Satellite Image: Satellite orbiting planet:

27 Rules for Successful Contouring Golden Rule #1
Every point along a contour line represents the same elevation. This entire line represents 1200 feet above sea level. 1200 1150 1250

28 Rules for Successful Contouring Golden Rule #2
Contour lines NEVER split or divide! Can’t happen! 1150 1200 1150 1250

29 Rules for Successful Contouring Golden Rule #3
This is fine! Contour lines cannot just stop. They must either form a closed loop, or run off the edge of your map. What’s the elevation here??? 1100 1200 1150 1250 ? ?

30 Rules for Successful Contouring Golden Rule #4
Contour lines NEVER, EVER cross What’s going on?? Is this area above or below 1200 feet? 1100 1200 1150 1250 ?

31 Rules for Successful Contouring Golden Rule #5
Contour lines that cross a valley or stream are V-shaped The V points towards the area of highest elevation

32 Rules for Successful Contouring Golden Rule #6
Tops of mountains or hills are shown by closed circles

33 TOPO QUIZ Now its time to test your topography map reading skills
TOPO QUIZ Now its time to test your topography map reading skills. Good Luck!!

34 What landform do you think this map depicts?
If you traveled from point A to point B, would you be going uphill or downhill? What landform do you think this map depicts? a. Valley b. Mountain c. Plain 700 750 A 800 X 825 B

35 Correct!

36 Sorry Actually, you would be going uphill. Look at the elevations on the contour lines you will be crossing.

37 Sorry Please try again.

38 In which direction does Maple Creek flow?
Northeast Southwest Can’t tell from information given What is the contour interval of this map? 50 100 400 800 600 700 500 Maple Creek

39 5. What is the approximate elevation at the top of this hill?
b c 6. Which hike would be steeper, from A to B or from C to D? C D 1200 B 1150 A 1100

40 7. What is the contour interval of this map? a. 20 feet b. -20 feet
c. 60 feet 8. What type of landform is depicted here? a. a mountain b. a depression c. a valley 60 40 20

41 Topographic maps Topographic maps
149 150 Topographic maps 1/20/2015 1/20/2015 Application: Paste Notes Here Starter: Paste here Connection: Worksheet Practice: Write observations here: Draw your picture here Exit: The rocks found on river banks are smooth and circular in shape. Explain what natural phenomenon you think is responsible for the circular shape of the rocks.

42 Exit The rocks found on river banks are smooth and circular in shape. Explain what natural phenomenon you is responsible for the circular shape of the rocks.

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