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Nutrition By: Kai. carbohydrates o Main Energy Source o 2 Types -Simple (Sugars) -Complex (Starches) o Promote Diabetes and heart disease o Should have.

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Presentation on theme: "Nutrition By: Kai. carbohydrates o Main Energy Source o 2 Types -Simple (Sugars) -Complex (Starches) o Promote Diabetes and heart disease o Should have."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nutrition By: Kai

2 carbohydrates o Main Energy Source o 2 Types -Simple (Sugars) -Complex (Starches) o Promote Diabetes and heart disease o Should have 21-38 grams/day o Complex carbs have good source of fibre

3 Fats o Sources:  Nuts, Oil, Butters o 30% of daily calories o Need to develop brain and nervous system o 3 Types  Unsaturated  Saturated  Trans o 9 Calories per gram o Supplies calories to the body o Helps maintain healthy skin and hair

4 Protein o Sources:  Beef, Poultry, Fish, Eggs, Nuts, Beans o Makes Haemoglobin o Builds up, maintains and replaces tissue o Muscles, organs made mostly of protein o Should have.5g of protein/lb. you weigh o Only 1 type o Amino acids break it down

5 Fibre o Sources:  Whole grains, beans, pastas, brown rice o Two Kinds:  Insoluble  Soluble o Insoluble helps prevent constipation o Soluble helps lower blood cholesterol o Body cannot digest o Too much fibre could cause:  Flatulence  Abdominal Cramps

6 Vitamins o Can’t live without them o 13 essential vitamins o Should take a daily multivitamin o 6 Different Types:  Vitamin A- Helps Eyesight  Vitamin B (B1, B2, B6, B12)- Provides Energy  Vitamin C- Strengthens Gums and Muscles  Vitamin D- Strengthens Bones + Teeth  Vitamin E- Takes care of your lungs+ forms red blood cells  Vitamin K- Keeps blood clotting levels normal

7 Minerals (Dietary) 8 Kinds:  Calcium  Iron  Magnesium  Phosphorus  Potassium  Selenium  Sodium  Zinc o Need them for:  Bones +Teeth  Salts  Enzymes  Hormones

8 Water Body is at least half water Essential to survive Should have 5l/day Many uses Used for extinguishing fires

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