MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys Survey Design Workshop Questionnaire For Individual Women: Attitudes Toward Domestic Violence.

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1 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys Survey Design Workshop Questionnaire For Individual Women: Attitudes Toward Domestic Violence

2 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Background Violence against women is highly sensitive area. It touches upon issues of power, gender and sexuality. It affects the well-being and health of women, as well as the well-being of the children who witness it.

3 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Previous Research Ending domestic violence requires: –changing the attitudes that permit such abuse –developing legal and policy frameworks to prohibit and reject it, and –improving womens access to economic resources and girls access to education.

4 Attitudes towards domestic violence Attitudinal questions used to assess the acceptance of certain social norms on gender roles Positive attitudes do not necessarily signify approval by women of wife-beating, but they signify womens acceptance of such norms

5 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop MICS Indicators # 8.14 - Attitudes toward domestic violence Percentage of women age 15-49 who state that a husband/partner is justified in hitting or beating his wife in at least one of the following circumstances: –(1) she goes out without telling him, –(2) she neglects the children, –(3) she argues with him, –(4) she refuses sex with him, –(5) she burns the food

6 Domestic violence is justified by most women

7 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Methodological issues Measurement of practices of violence against women, although, possible, raise some ethical and methodological issues Possible via long modules The attitudinal indicator has been found to be associated with the prevalence of domestic violence; still many women justify domestic violence even if they have not been victims It can be used to advocate for the need to change, at the societal level, attitudes that perpetuate its existence

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