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Compare refracting and reflecting telescopes. Have you ever bent or slowed down light? How?

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Presentation on theme: "Compare refracting and reflecting telescopes. Have you ever bent or slowed down light? How?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Compare refracting and reflecting telescopes. Have you ever bent or slowed down light? How?

2 Telescopes

3 Telescope An instrument that collects electromagnetic radiation from the sky and concentrates it for better observation – Optical telescopes – Nonoptical telescopes

4 Optical Telescopes Collects visible light and focuses it for observation Most have two lenses – Objective lens: collects light and forms an image – Eyepiece: magnifies the image

5 Refracting Telescopes A telescope that uses a set of lenses to gather and focus light from a distant object Refract = bend Negative: – Images cannot be perfectly focused – If lens is too big it distorts image

6 Reflecting telescope A telescope that uses a curved mirror to gather and focus light from distant objects Reflect = bounce back Positive: – Large mirrors can collect more light – Flaws in glass do not affect light – Mirrors can focus all light perfectly

7 Linking Reflecting Telescopes Atmosphere Space Can link two or more large telescopes to see further into space Air, moisture, light pollution can cause image to blur and shimmer Best place to have a telescope!


9 Telescopes


11  Saturn Aurora

12  Supernova

13 Eagle Nebula (full)

14  Crab Nebula

15  Star Cluster

16  Galaxy Collision

17 Electromagnetic spectrum All the frequencies or wavelengths of energy

18 Nonoptical Telescopes Detect radiation that cannot be seen by the human eye Most electromagnetic waves are blocked by our atmosphere, so most nonoptical telescopes are placed in space

19 Radio Telescope


21 Infrared Telescope


23 X Ray Telescope


25 Gamma Ray Telescope


27 Awesome! Now, fill in the rest of these boxes with examples of the EMS. Use page 561 in the Red Book for help

28 Green Bank Telescope (West Virginia) Arecibo Telescope, Puerto Rico New Mexico

29 Radio Waves X-Ray

30 Sun in Ultraviolet Light

31 Compare refracting and reflecting telescopes. Why is having a telescope in space better than having one on Earth?

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