MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys Survey Design Workshop Questionnaire for Individual Women: Sexual Behaviour.

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1 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys Survey Design Workshop Questionnaire for Individual Women: Sexual Behaviour

2 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Purpose To measure behaviour among women that puts them at increased risk to HIV infection To monitor progress and achievements in national goals and targets on HIV prevention To monitor progress and achievements in international goals and commitments – e.g. MDG 6 and UNGASS

3 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Goals MDG 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other diseases –Target 6.A: Have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS UNGASS: Ensure that by 2010 at least 95 per cent of young people aged 15-24 years have access to information, education and services necessary to develop the life skills to reduce their vulnerability to HIV

4 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Eligibility Questions are asked of all women aged 15-49 years in the household

5 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop MICS Indicators # 9.10 - Young women who have never had sex Percentage of never married young women age 15-24 who have never had sex (UNGASS additional #12) # 9.11 - Sex before age 15 among young women Percentage of young women age 15-24 who have had sexual intercourse before age 15 (UNGASS #15) # 9.12 - Age-mixing among sexual partners Percentage of young women age 15-24 years who had sex in the past 12 months with a partner who was 10 or more years older

6 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop MICS Indicators # 9.13 - Sex with multiple partners Percentage of women age 15-49 years who have had sexual intercourse with more than one partner in the 12 months preceding the survey (UNGASS #16) # 9.14 - Condom use during sex with multiple partners Percentage of women age 15-49 years who report having had more than one sexual partner in the 12 months preceding the survey who also reported that a condom was used the last time they had sex (UNGASS #17)

7 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop MICS Indicators # 9.15 - Sex with non-regular partners Percentage of sexually active women age 15-24 years who have had sex with a non-marital, non-cohabiting partner in the 12 months preceding the survey # 9.16 - Condom use with non-regular partners Percentage of women age 15-24 years reporting the use of a condom during sexual intercourse with their last non-marital, non-cohabiting sex partner in the 12 months preceding the survey (MDG 6.2)

8 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Methodological Issues (1) Position of this module is important Sexual behavior module should be asked after marriage/union module so rapport is built but before HIV module to avoid biasing responses Interviews must be conducted in private Must assure respondent that answers are completely confidential

9 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Methodological Issues (2) Most of the indicators derived from this module are dependent on each other; care should be taken not to delete questions that contribute to the calculation of related indicators Trends in indicators can also be obtained by comparing age cohorts (15-19, 20-24, 25-29…) if only one data point exists

10 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Summary of Module Age at sexual debut Higher-risk sexual partnerships Condom use during higher-risk sex Age of sexual partners Number of recent sexual partners Number of lifetime sexual partners

11 MICS4 Survey Design Workshop Acknowledgements Prepared by: Priscilla Akwara, PhD Statistics & Monitoring Section UNICEF, New York Email: pakwara@unicef.orgpakwara@unicef.org Telephone: +1 212 326 7573

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