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Security of Tenure and Durability of Housing MICS3 Data Analysis and Report Writing Workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "Security of Tenure and Durability of Housing MICS3 Data Analysis and Report Writing Workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Security of Tenure and Durability of Housing MICS3 Data Analysis and Report Writing Workshop

2 International Goals & Targets MDG 7: Ensure environmental sustainability Target 11: Achieve significant improvement in the lives of at least 100 million slum-dwellers by 2020 Indicator: Proportion of urban household members living in slum housing

3 Indicator MICS3 #93Security of tenure NumeratorNumber of household members living in urban households that lack formal documentation for their residence or that feel at risk of eviction DenominatorNumber of urban household members in households surveyed

4 Indicator MICS3 #94Durability of housing NumeratorNumber of household members living in urban dwellings that are not considered durable DenominatorNumber of urban household members in households surveyed

5 Indicator MICS3 #95Slum household NumeratorNumber of household members living in urban slums DenominatorNumber of household members in urban households surveyed

6 Methodological issues Methodology developed after the target was established Difficult to define slums: elements of exclusion, lack of basic property rights, deprivation of basic shelter services, associated with criminal or immoral behaviour. The only target that uses an absolute number rather than a share or rate

7 Methodological issues Measurement issues still under discussion Lack of data on various components of the definition of slum remain a major concern Availability of data versus the concept: Estimates of slum come from household based data sources, whereas the concept refers to spatially-contiguous locations – area based definitions

8 Methodological issues In MICS3, households are identified as slum, using a number of characteristics determined in consultation with UNHabitat The ultimate goal is to identify slum households and compare the living conditions of slum residents with non-slum residents An optional module on Security of Tenure and Durability of Housing added Module should be used for urban areas/capital city/metropolitan city where slum housing is prevalent Sampling implications

9 Slum Algorithm A household is considered a slum if Lack of improved drinking water sources (Table EN.1) or Lack of improved sanitation facilities (Table EN.5) or Lack of sufficient living area (overcrowding) or Lack of durable housing or Lack of security of tenure

10 Security of tenure Lack of security of tenure is defined as Lack of formal documentation for the residence or Perceived risk of eviction


12 Durability of housing A structure is defined as non-durable if Floor material is natural AND there are two or more bad conditions identified or Conditions of vulnerability to accidents – dwelling surroundings or Dwelling located in or near hazardous areas



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