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Ways forward Xavier Leflaive Paris, 23 February, 2007 EAP Task Force.

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Presentation on theme: "Ways forward Xavier Leflaive Paris, 23 February, 2007 EAP Task Force."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ways forward Xavier Leflaive Paris, 23 February, 2007 EAP Task Force

2 2 The context of this meeting A crossroad –10 years of cooperation –Work in seven areas Monitoring environmental expenditure Managing environmental expenditure Finance strategies Harnessing local financial markets Strengthening local governments' capacity to invest in environmentally related infrastructure Institutional Support for Debt-for-Environment Swaps Environmental Finance Network meetings

3 EAP Task Force 3 A number of tools, methods, best practices Monitoring environmental expenditure –Method to align environmental expenditure information systems with OECD/Eurostat standards –Reference documents on recent trends based on these standards Managing environmental expenditure –Best Practices for PEEM –A Handbook for appraisal of environmental projects to be financed by public funds Finance strategies –A methodology and a tool to draw up and to implement finance strategies in the water, sanitation and municipal waste sector (including for rural areas) Strengthening local governments' capacity to invest –MYIP Country case studies and lessons learnt on –Harnessing local financial markets –Strengthening local governments' capacity to invest in environmentally related infrastructure –Institutional Support for Environment Swaps Training sessions on –FEASIBLE, MYIP, the Handbook

4 EAP Task Force 4 Towards Belgrade Learn lessons –FS in municipal waste management –The management of PEE –Debt-for-Environment swaps Convey messages –Trends in environmental expenditure –Trends in international environmental assistance –The need to mobilise additional finance –The need to strengthen public environmental expenditure management practices Continue dissemination –The Handbook

5 EAP Task Force 5 Public environmental finance after Belgrade Discussions at Task Force level Selected substantive inputs –FS in water supply and sanitation, with a strong focus on achieving the water-related MDGs –Environmental finance in the context of policy reform Promoting performance-oriented planning and management Promoting instruments for strengthening regulation of, and partnership with, the enterprise sector Promoting environmental improvement at the local level

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