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Confessing & Following Jesus Matthew 16:13-28. Bethsaida 16 miles.

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Presentation on theme: "Confessing & Following Jesus Matthew 16:13-28. Bethsaida 16 miles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Confessing & Following Jesus Matthew 16:13-28

2 Bethsaida 16 miles

3 Why the 4-5 hour journey?

4 Caesarea Philippi (v. 13)

5 “Who do PEOPLE say…?” The PEOPLE’S answers: John the Baptist (Herod, Matt. 14:2) Elijah (forerunner to Messiah, 3:1-3;11:9-10 ) Jeremiah or one of the prophets (resurrected) The secular view sees a prophet where the sacred view sees God. (v. 13)

6 “Who do YOU say that I am?” Matthew 16:15 Peter’s answer is: Personal Inspired Foundational to the church Key to the kingdom

7 “This Rock” = ? 1.Peter himself would open the kingdom to the Jews in Acts 2 & 3; to the Gentiles in Acts 10 2. Peter’s confession 1 John 4:15: "If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in him and he in God.” 3. This location the “Gates of Hades”, would be overtaken by the kingdom the “Gates of Hades”, would be overtaken by the kingdom (v. 18)

8 My Church = ? Church (Gk. ekklesia) = called out, crowd, synagogue His followers and people Church = Kingdom (v. 18)

9 Gates of Hades = ? Hades refers to death and dying Psalms 9:13 Have mercy on me, O LORD! Consider my trouble from those who hate me, You who lift me up from the gates of death Psalms 107:18 Their soul abhorred all manner of food, And they drew near to the gates of death. Job 38:17 Have the gates of death been revealed to you? (v. 18)

10 “The keys of the kingdom” = ? KNOWLEDGE of God’s Revelation Luke 11:52 "Woe to you lawyers! For you have taken away the key of knowledge. You did not enter in yourselves, and those who were entering in you hindered.“ Peter’s confession came by revelation knowledge You get in or are kept out by what you know of God’s truth (v. 19)

11 Bind/Loose Only God’s KEYS fit God’s LOCKS Confession brings blessing Resistance brings rebuke (v. 19)

12 Bind/Loose (v. 19) Heaven doesn’t endorse the Church’s decisions. The Church enacts Heaven’s decisions.

13 The “KEY” to God’s Purpose (v. 21) Entrance into Kingship would be through Jesus’ Cross No King/Messiah without suffering

14 Peter’s Rebuke TO Jesus: Man’s Ideas of God’s Purposes (Man’s KEYS in God’s Lock!) Like Satan (Matt. 4:8-9), he offered kingship without suffering FROM Jesus: God’s Ideas (KEYS) of God’s Purposes (Lock) From “ROCK” to “Stumbling Block” From “Blessed” to “Satan”

15 The “KEY” to God’s Purpose (24-27) For Jesus: Entrance into Kingship through Jesus’ Cross No King/Messiah without suffering For Disciples: Entrance into Discipleship through our cross No DISCIPLESHIP without suffering

16 The answer is PERSONAL Have YOU confessed Jesus as the Anointed Son of the Living God? Have YOU become a stumbling block to Jesus’ mission? Have YOU decided to lay down your life to Jesus?

17 The answer is INSPIRED Have YOU responded to what the Father has revealed to you? Are YOU setting your mind on the things of God? Are YOU looking for the reward of your obedience?

18 The answer is FOUNDATIONAL Is JESUS the foundation of your life?

19 The answer is KEY to the kingdom Do YOU loose/bind people with the key of knowledge of who Jesus is? Are YOU on the offensive for the kingdom?

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