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200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 KEY TERMS DX TESTS RISK FACTORS CANCER PATHOPHYS HODGE-

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1 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 KEY TERMS DX TESTS RISK FACTORS CANCER PATHOPHYS HODGE- PODGE

2 High incidence among blacks, native American esp. Pima tribe, Hispanics

3 Type 2 DM

4 Caused by an autoimmune process started by a virus or chemical

5 Type 1 DM

6 Agents which increase insulin production, improve cell receptor binding, regulate hepatic glucose production, or delay CHO absorption from the small intestine

7 Oral antidiabetics

8 Can often be controlled by diet and exercise

9 Type 2 DM

10 Organs that do not depend on insulin to use glucose for energy

11 Brain and kidney

12 Acute insulin deficiency resulting in hyperglycemia and an acid state in the body caused by fat breakdown for energy resulting in (acid) ketones in the bloodstream. May result in death

13 DKA

14 Organ that attempts to rid bloodstream of excess glucose using a lot of water resulting in polydipsia and possibly dehydration

15 Kidney

16 Caused by inability of cells to utilize glucose resulting in a starvation affect

17 Polyphagia

18 Hallmark symptoms of DM type 1

19 Polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia

20 May not be symptomatic for years until kidney involvement, retinopathy, impotence, neuropathy, gangrene occurs

21 DM type2

22 Subjective symptoms of DM

23 Hunger, thirst, nausea, noctyria, weakness fatigue, blurred vision, halos around lights, H/A, cold extremities, cramping in calves, decreased sensation to pain and temperature in feet, numbness and tingling in lower extremeties,early satiety, negative feelings re body

24 Objective symptoms of DM

25 Slow wound healing, furuncles, carbuncles, ulcerations, urinary tract infections, vaginal yeast infections, wt loss, muscle wasting, shiny hairless lower extremities, cold legs and feet, possibly gangrene

26 Normal random glucose

27 200mg/dl or less

28 Normal fasting glucose

29 126 mg/dl or less

30 Normal 2 hr post parandial glucose

31 160-200mg/dl or less

32 Chemical resulting from the synthesis of insulin. Used to differentiate between type1 and type 2 DM

33 C-peptide Normals 0.5-2ng/ml

34 Cornerstone of care for a person with diabetes

35 Nutritional therapy and education

36 Tool used to plan diets for persons with diabetes

37 MyPyramid

38 True or false Sugar drives up glucose more than more complex CHO such as rice and potatoes

39 False

40 Continue oral intake perhaps in a liquid form, SMBG levels every 1-2 hrs, contact health care provider for BG levels above 250mg/dl for insulin adjustment

41 DM care during stress and illness

42 Lispro, peak 1-2 hrs, Aspart, peak 1- 3 hrs. Glulisine, peak 1-3 hrs. novolog mix,and Humalog mix peak 2-10 hrs.

43 Rapid acting insulins onset 15 min.,

44 Insulin that can be given IV

45 Regular, onset 30 min., peak 2-4 hrs.

46 Inject insulin where?

47 Between fat and muscle

48 U/100 syringes are marked in _____unit increments

49 2

50 Joint Commission recommendation regarding the use of U for units

51 Do not use U. Spell out units to avoid medication errors

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