●Created collaborative Canvas course to share assessments, learning activities, concept inventories and scientific research related to PULSE goals. ●Used.

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Presentation on theme: "●Created collaborative Canvas course to share assessments, learning activities, concept inventories and scientific research related to PULSE goals. ●Used."— Presentation transcript:

1 ●Created collaborative Canvas course to share assessments, learning activities, concept inventories and scientific research related to PULSE goals. ●Used PULSE rubrics to identify high leverage Vision and Change recommendations that Seattle Central Biology faculty agreed to work on collaboratively as a department. ●Developed, piloted and analyzed data from instructor-independent pre and post instruction assessment around concepts of diffusion, selective permeability of the cell membrane, electrochemical gradients, membrane potential and the role of selective membrane permeability in generation of the action potential. ●Implemented selected activities from productive persistence toolkit (Carnegie Foundation and Math Department) to enhance student success and persistence. ●Implemented metacognitive awareness inventory (Schraw and Dennison, 1984) and attempted to link concept inventory data to student end of term success. Goals: Build collaboration by showing data on effectiveness of collaboration, communication and reflective teaching. Engage administration in finding support for faculty engagement in transformation process. This includes incentives of time and money for faculty to participate in work to achieve current goals as well as new goals that arise as result of increased communication and collaboration e.g. development of a mentor program for new full and part-time biology faculty. ●Technology: ○Canvas was used to share resources with PULSE team. ○Socrative.com polling tool was used for department PULSE rubric meeting. ○Chromebooks were used to facilitate Vision and Change PULSE rubric reflection @ interactive faculty meeting ○Google docs was used to facilitate learning activity development. ●People: ○Productive Persistence leaders from the Carnegie Foundation/ Math Department provided tools to increase student success, evaluate pedagogy innovations as well as provided expertise on how to evaluate curriculum enhancements ○Dr. Pam Pape Lindstrom provided PULSE Rubrics in clicker form. ○Dr. Gita Bangera, our PULSE mentor helped us craft realistic deliverables. RESOURCES & ALLIES PRODUCTS (& REFLECTIONS …) ACTIONS (& INTENTIONS ….) BARRIERS & CHALLENGES STRENGTHS & LEVERAGE NW-PULSE @ NW Biology instructors Conference 2015 ●Productive Persistence project in Math Department served as a model for increasing departmental collaboration to enhance student success. The leaders supported our PULSE work. ●Our PULSE team worked well together: to create learning activities and implement them in the classroom, to analyze data, to research resources and to facilitate V&C faculty meetings to solicit faculty engagement. VISION – To increase faculty collaboration, communication and reflective teaching and to assess the impact of these on student learning and success. Dr. Anna Davis, Dr. Joshua Whorley & Dr. Wendy Rockhill Embracing Vision & Change Through Teamwork Seattle Central College MAIN GOAL– Promote faculty collaboration by doing pilot experiments that demonstrate benefits of collaboration, communication and reflective teaching. Products In-house concept inventory. Shared assessments and data around multiple core concepts. PULSE rubrics in clicker and poll form that can be shared with others. Summary of department discussions around V&C Rubrics that engaged a variety of stakeholders. Reflections Preliminary data from shared assessments suggests differences between majors and non-majors in willingness to make mistakes (see graph). Preliminary data from metacognitive survey indicates 2 populations of students that differ in their ability to achieve course goals. This work was supported in part by an NSF RCN UBE award # 1345033. Sustainability and GOALS Engaging Faculty to Participate ●Offered duplicate meetings on different days and times. ●Encouraged all faculty to attend & linked PULSE work with program review. Future Work: Increasing Incentives for Faculty Participation ●Share pilot data and resources from PULSE work with faculty. ●Research monetary incentives. ●Provide clear actions and outcomes for subsequent meetings. TRADEOFFS & NEW ACTIONS Trade-Offs: ●Faculty expressed frustration in wanting to collaborate, but felt that they do not have time and are not rewarded for their efforts. ●Shared assessments were not implemented in a scientifically robust way so data is interesting but not robust. New Actions: ●Organize assessments and learning activities around sophistication of class so they can be used to assess learning through program. ●Implement in-house concept inventory ●Revise assessments so that data gathered will yield more meaningful results.

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