By Raani Agrawal 1 PARCC Assessment: ELA/Literacy and Math Grades 6-8.

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1 By Raani Agrawal 1 PARCC Assessment: ELA/Literacy and Math Grades 6-8

2 Agenda PARCC Overview - ELA/Literacy & Math PARCC Overview - ELA/Literacy & Math PARCC Design & Sample Items PARCC Design & Sample Items ELA ELA Math Math Sample Test Sample Test Scoring Scoring PARCC Timing & Scoring PARCC Timing & Scoring Field Test Field Test ELA/Literacy ELA/Literacy Math Math Resources Resources 2

3 Coming 2014 – 2015 School Year Coming 2014 – 2015 School Year Field Test: Spring 2014 Field Test: Spring 2014 NJ is 1 of 14 states that will be participating in the PARCC field test this spring. NJ is 1 of 14 states that will be participating in the PARCC field test this spring. Schools were chosen randomly. Schools were chosen randomly. Only 2 classes per grade level. Only 2 classes per grade level. 3 PARCC Overview - ELA/Literacy & Math Fratz, Amy. "Goodbye NJ ASK, So Long HSPA, Hello PARCC." NJEA Review Jan. 2014: 10-14. Print.

4 2 Required Summatives Performance Based Assessment (PBA) Performance Based Assessment (PBA) End of Year Assessment (EOY) End of Year Assessment (EOY) 4 *2 Optional Non-Summatives Diagnostic Assessment Diagnostic Assessment Mid Year Assessment (MYA) Mid Year Assessment (MYA) Potentially Summative Potentially Summative 1 Required Non-Summative **Speaking & Listening Assessment (ELA/Literacy) **Speaking & Listening Assessment (ELA/Literacy) * Available to use for a “fee”. NJDOE has not announced position on the use of these optional tests. **Although required, the score will not be included in summative score. Fratz, Amy. "Goodbye NJ ASK, So Long HSPA, Hello PARCC." NJEA Review Jan. 2014: 10-14. Print. PARCC Overview - ELA/Literacy & Math

5 5 Beginning of School Year End of School Year Diagnostic Assessment Mid-Year Assessment Performance -Based Assessment End-of-Year Assessment Speaking and Listening Assessment OptionalRequired Key: Flexible administration PARCC Overview ELA/Literacy & Math

6 6 Spring 2014 Field Test Administration and Practice Test. Schools chosen randomly for field test. OVMS field testing Performance-Based Assessment (PBA): March 24–April 11, 2014 Fall 2014 Operational Assessment Administration Manual SY 2014-15 Operational Administration of PARCC Summative Assessments Performance Based Assessment (March 24 – April 11) End of the Year Assessment (May 5 – June 6) Taken From: 6

7 PARCC Design & Sample Items - ELA 3 Items Types (ELA) Evidence Based Selected Response (EBSR) Evidence Based Selected Response (EBSR) Technology Enhanced Constructed Response (TECR) Technology Enhanced Constructed Response (TECR) Range of Prose Constructed Responses (PCR) Range of Prose Constructed Responses (PCR) 7

8 PARCC Design & Sample Items - ELA Performance Based Assessment (PBA) (3 Tasks focus on writing effectively & analyzing text) Literary Narrative Task Literary Narrative Task Students need to read complex text closely, answer EBSR & TECR questions, & compose an analytic essay. Students need to read complex text closely, answer EBSR & TECR questions, & compose an analytic essay. 8 th Grade Example: 7 items (6 EBSR or TECR; 1 PCR) 8 th Grade Example: 7 items (6 EBSR or TECR; 1 PCR) 8 th Grade Example: 7 items (6 EBSR or TECR; 1 PCR) 8 th Grade Example: 7 items (6 EBSR or TECR; 1 PCR) Narrative Task Narrative Task Students may be asked to write a story, detail a scientific process, write a historical account of important figures, or to describe an account of events, scenes, or objects, etc. Students may be asked to write a story, detail a scientific process, write a historical account of important figures, or to describe an account of events, scenes, or objects, etc. 6 th Grade Example: EBSR, TECR, 1 PCR 6 th Grade Example: EBSR, TECR, 1 PCR 6 th Grade Example: EBSR, TECR, 1 PCR 6 th Grade Example: EBSR, TECR, 1 PCR 8

9 PARCC Design & Sample Items - ELA Performance Based Assessment (PBA) 3 Tasks The Research Simulation Task The Research Simulation Task Not traditional assessments. Designed to measure more real-world skills: research, synthesis, writing. Not traditional assessments. Designed to measure more real-world skills: research, synthesis, writing. Grade 7 Example: 10 items (9 EBSR or TECR & 1 PCR) Grade 7 Example: 10 items (9 EBSR or TECR & 1 PCR) Grade 7 Example: 10 items (9 EBSR or TECR & 1 PCR) Grade 7 Example: 10 items (9 EBSR or TECR & 1 PCR) Students will read passage 1. Then, they will answer associated EBSR & TECR questions. Students will read passage 2 (and possible passage 3), and will answer additional EBSR & TECR questions. Students will read passage 1. Then, they will answer associated EBSR & TECR questions. Students will read passage 2 (and possible passage 3), and will answer additional EBSR & TECR questions. Finally, students will respond to PCR. Finally, students will respond to PCR. 9

10 PARCC Design & Sample Items - ELA End of Year Assessment (EOY) Focuses on reading comprehension Focuses on reading comprehension Includes four to five texts (both literary and informational) Includes four to five texts (both literary and informational) Topics may draw from social science, history, science/ Topics may draw from social science, history, science/ Text may be highly technical in nature. Text may be highly technical in nature. EOY will include several short answer comprehension and vocabulary questions for each text. EOY will include several short answer comprehension and vocabulary questions for each text. 10 Fratz, Amy. "Goodbye NJ ASK, So Long HSPA, Hello PARCC." NJEA Review Jan. 2014: 10-14. Print.

11 PARCC Design & Sample Items - ELA Texts Are Complex Texts Are Complex Diverse Diverse Authentic Authentic Effectively Paired Effectively Paired Power Point from WTPS Elementary Schools pgs 26 – 29 (Jessica Rose) Power Point from WTPS Elementary Schools pgs 26 – 29 (Jessica Rose) Power Point from WTPS Elementary Schools pgs 26 – 29 (Jessica Rose) Power Point from WTPS Elementary Schools pgs 26 – 29 (Jessica Rose) 11

12 PARCC Design & Sample Items - Math 3 Tasks Type 1: Tasks Assessing Concepts, Skills, and Procedures Type 1: Tasks Assessing Concepts, Skills, and Procedures Include a balance of conceptual understanding, fluency, and application Include a balance of conceptual understanding, fluency, and application Machine scored Machine scored Sample Problems Sample Problems Sample Problems Sample Problems Type 2: Tasks Assessing Mathematical Reasoning Type 2: Tasks Assessing Mathematical Reasoning Call for written arguments/justifications, critique of reasoning, or precision in mathematical statements. Call for written arguments/justifications, critique of reasoning, or precision in mathematical statements. Sample Problems Sample Problems Sample Problems Sample Problems 12

13 PARCC Design & Sample Items - Math 3 Tasks Type 3: Tasks Assessing Modeling Applications Type 3: Tasks Assessing Modeling Applications Call for modeling/application in a real world context or scenario. Call for modeling/application in a real world context or scenario. Includes a mix of innovative, machine scored, and hand scored responses. Includes a mix of innovative, machine scored, and hand scored responses. Sample Problems Sample Problems Sample Problems Sample Problems 13

14 Sample Test ELA & Math Sample Questions ELA & Math Sample Questions 14

15 Scoring In NJ, a teacher’s student growth percentile (SGP) rating will be calculated from student scores on the performance-based (PBA) and end of year (EOY) assessments. In NJ, a teacher’s student growth percentile (SGP) rating will be calculated from student scores on the performance-based (PBA) and end of year (EOY) assessments. PARCC’s goal is to return PBA and EOY data to schools by June. PARCC’s goal is to return PBA and EOY data to schools by June. 15 Fratz, Amy. "Goodbye NJ ASK, So Long HSPA, Hello PARCC." NJEA Review Jan. 2014: 10-14. Print.

16 Scoring ELA/Literacy scores will be reported in 3 categories: ELA/Literacy scores will be reported in 3 categories: ELA/Literacy ELA/Literacy Reading and comprehending a range of sufficiently complex texts independently. Reading and comprehending a range of sufficiently complex texts independently. Writing effectively when using and/or analyzing sources. Writing effectively when using and/or analyzing sources. Students’ scores will be based on a composite of reading and writing scores. Students’ scores will be based on a composite of reading and writing scores. For ELA/Literacy and Math For ELA/Literacy and Math Students will receive both scaled and performance level scores. Students will receive both scaled and performance level scores. 16 Fratz, Amy. "Goodbye NJ ASK, So Long HSPA, Hello PARCC." NJEA Review Jan. 2014: 10-14. Print.

17 Scoring Performance Level Descriptors (PLD) indicate the knowledge, skills, & practices that students should be able to demonstrate at each performance level, in each content area (ELA/Literacy & Math), at each grade. Performance Level Descriptors (PLD) indicate the knowledge, skills, & practices that students should be able to demonstrate at each performance level, in each content area (ELA/Literacy & Math), at each grade. PARCC has five Performance Level Descriptors PARCC has five Performance Level Descriptors 17

18 Scoring PARCC Scoring Level 5: Distinguished Command of the subject Level 5: Distinguished Command of the subject Level 4: Solid Command… Level 4: Solid Command… Level 3: Moderate Command… Level 3: Moderate Command… Level 2: Partial Command… Level 2: Partial Command… Level 1: Minimal Command… Level 1: Minimal Command… 18 NJ ASK Scoring Advanced Proficient Advanced Proficient Proficient Proficient Partially Proficient Partially Proficient PowerPoint: PARCC policy “…students who score a “4” will have a 75% chance of earning a “C” or better in further studies…” PDLs will undergo changes as data is collected from PARCC field test and year 1 administration. Fratz, Amy. "Goodbye NJ ASK, So Long HSPA, Hello PARCC." NJEA Review Jan. 2014: 10-14. Print.

19 PARCC Timing The PBA and EOY assessments will be administered in 9 sessions: The PBA and EOY assessments will be administered in 9 sessions: PBA: 5 Sessions (ELA: 3 Sessions; Math: 2 Sessions) PBA: 5 Sessions (ELA: 3 Sessions; Math: 2 Sessions) EOY: 4 Sessions (ELA: 2 Sessions; Math: 2 Sessions) EOY: 4 Sessions (ELA: 2 Sessions; Math: 2 Sessions) The PBA and EOY will have a testing window of 20 days each. However, schools can complete their testing in as little as 5-9 days, technology and resources permitting. The PBA and EOY will have a testing window of 20 days each. However, schools can complete their testing in as little as 5-9 days, technology and resources permitting. Total Time on Task for Grades 6-8: 9 hours, 25 minutes 19 Additional time will be allowed for students with disabilities, etc. Fratz, Amy. "Goodbye NJ ASK, So Long HSPA, Hello PARCC." NJEA Review Jan. 2014: 10-14. Print.

20 Field Test ELA/Literacy 20 OVMS Grades 6 & 8 PBA Literature Analysis ResearchNarrative Estimated Time on Task 808550 Maximum Additional Time (Minutes) 404525 Total Field Test (Minutes) 12013075

21 Field Test Math 21 OVMS Grades 6 & 8 PBA Session 1Session 2 Estimated Time on Task 50 Maximum Additional Time (Minutes) 25 Total Field Test (Minutes) 75

22 Field Test 22 Taken From: ELA Performance-Based Assessment GradeSubtest Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 8 Total Time 120 minutes 130 minutes 75 minutes Class 1 Day 1 AM Lab 119 Day 2 PM Lab 119 Day 3 AM Lab 119 Class 2 Day 1 AM Lab 120 Day 2 PM Lab 120 Day 3 AM Lab 120 Mathematics Performance-Based Assessment GradeSubtest Session 1 Session 2 6 Total Time 75 minutes Class 1 Day 4 AM Lab 119 Day 5 PM Lab 119 Class 2 Day 4 AM Lab 120 Day 5 PM Lab 120 Notes: Back-up labs: 225 and 227. Students may not be tested on consecutive days. Testing will occur during appropriate “intervals”. OVMS: Spring 2014 22

23 References Fratz, Amy. "Goodbye NJ ASK, So Long HSPA, Hello PARCC." NJEA Review Jan. 2014: 10-14. Print. response-research-simulation-task-0 task 23

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