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Twenty Questions Subject: Pre-Algebra Twenty Questions 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920.

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2 Twenty Questions Subject: Pre-Algebra

3 Twenty Questions 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920

4 1. Use mental math to simplify the expression. 15 + ( - 30) + 45 a. 30 b. - 15 c. 15 d. 0

5 2. Name the property shown below. 54 = 1 · 54 a. Commutative Property of Multiplication b. Identity Property of Multiplication c. Associative Property of Multiplication d. Associative Property of Addition

6 3. Simplify the expression. 12 ( n + 1 ) – 2 ( 5n + 6)

7 4. Solve the equation W · ( - 2 ) = 14

8 5. Solve the word problem Brian bought a used bike for $25 less than its original price. He paid a total of $88 for the bike. What was the original price of the bike. (You must set up an equation!)

9 6. Use Distributive Property to simplify 13 · ( - 3 ) – 7 · ( - 3 )

10 7. Solve the inequality. J – 7 ≤ 24

11 8. Write an equation for the sentence and then tell if the sentence true, false, or an open sentence. A number T divided by seventeen equals the opposite of three.

12 9. What is the vocabulary that matches the definition below: A mathematical sentence with ≤, ≥,, ≠.

13 10. What happens when….? What happens to the inequality sign when you divide by a negative number to each side?

14 11. What happens when….? What happens to an inequality symbol when you subtract a negative number to each side?

15 12. Write an equation for the sentence below, then solve the equation. Five multiplied by Y equals two hundred and fifteen.

16 13.Simplify the expression. 10y – 3y + 7y a. 20y b. 0 c. 14y d. 7y

17 14. Solve the inequality. ( x / - 6) ≥ 5 a. X ≤ 30 b. X ≥ 30 c. X ≥ - 30 d. X ≤ - 30

18 15. Real World Application At the local hotdog jamboree there were 196 people who each ate 7 hotdogs. How many hotdogs were served? *Hint: Write 196 = (200 – 4)

19 16. Name the property shown below. 234 + 567 = 567 + 234

20 17. What does the vocabulary word TERM mean? Be sure to give an example

21 18. Solving One-Step Inequalities m + 7 > 14 a. M > 7 b. M < 7 c. M > 14 d. M< 21

22 19. Writing Inequalities and Describing their Graphs. Describe what the graph of x ≥ 3 would look like.

23 20. Solve the inequality. 18 < - 2x

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