Beyond the Basics -Instructional Shifts -Rigor: Depth of Knowledge -Assessment: SBAC, to CCSS -Shifts In Action: Close Reading Strategies & Text Dependent.

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Presentation on theme: "Beyond the Basics -Instructional Shifts -Rigor: Depth of Knowledge -Assessment: SBAC, to CCSS -Shifts In Action: Close Reading Strategies & Text Dependent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beyond the Basics -Instructional Shifts -Rigor: Depth of Knowledge -Assessment: SBAC, to CCSS -Shifts In Action: Close Reading Strategies & Text Dependent Questions -Math: Practice Strategies Fall 2014 Summer 2014 Winter 2013-14 Fall 2013 Summer 2013 Spring 2014 SBAC is Here! Site Or District Admin Support -Ongoing support for: Learning Walks, monitoring, and planning Teacher Cohorts Quarterly Reflections, revisions Support for unit creation and Integration of performance tasks November: Nitty Gritty Time! -Inquiry Approach in Depth -Text Complexity, Writing Changes -Assessment Practice-Creation -Math: Alignment to new CCSS Admin support Collaboration Teacher PD Teacher Cohorts -Instructional Design Work: Units, Common Core Aligned Pedagogy Integrating Technology Into Classrooms Admin Support -Common Core Implications for School/System Reform- Realigning Priorities -Leading Teacher Collaboration

2 Instructional Goals by end of 2013-14 All students in ELA, SS, Science: Read a balance of non-fiction and fiction. Build content knowledge by reading primary and secondary sources with the support of their ELA and content area teachers. Participate, throughout the day every day, in evidence-based conversation about text/resources. Throughout their day every day, produce evidence based writing about sources Build academic vocabulary by reading increasingly complex texts and learning new and powerful words.

3 Instructional Goals by end of 2013-14 In Math all students: Have speed and accuracy with simple calculations and are asked to memorize, through repetition, core functions for their grade level. Are able to demonstrate deep conceptual understanding of core math concepts by applying them to new situations and writing and speaking about their mathematical reasoning. Choose the appropriate concept for application. At all grade levels, regularly apply math in “real world” situations Practice and understand grade level concepts with equal intensity

4 Charter/school Targets 2013-14 All math curricula in the school progress strategically across grades, all teachers are keenly aware of those progressions and how they play out ‘ 1 up and 1 down’. All other core areas have incorporated the three shifts in curriculum-lesson plans ◦ Build knowledge through content rich non-fiction ◦ Reading, writing, speaking grounded in evidence from text (literary and informational) ◦ Regular practice with complex text and academic language All content areas incorporate some performance based tasks (For example: quarterly) Teachers regularly collaborate around student outcomes and adjust instructional plans together

5 Charter Targets 2013-14 COMMON LANGUAGE: shifts drive all messaging and programming in the charter group/school STREAMLINED SUPPORTS: existing supports analyzed and streamlined, prioritizing charter-wide and school-based efforts grounded in effective CCSS implementation BRIGHT SPOTS: effective implementation strategies identified/celebrated BUDGET ALIGNMENT: 2013-14 budget aligned with strategies leading to/ensuring effective implementation OBSERVING THE SHIFTS: evidence from observations/artifacts emphasizes strengths and gaps in implementing the shifts QUALITY FEEDBACK: teachers receive high-quality feedback focused on strengths and gaps in implementing the shifts following observations FOCUS ON GROWTH: systems in place ensure evidence-based observation, adoption of the CCSS shifts in curriculum resources and student growth are discussed by teachers in comprehensive way

6 Charter Targets 2013-14 1. What is our focus/foci? Fill in 3 x 4 form 2. Fill out page one of the ‘Readiness Rubric’ 3. Look at foci, will these move you on any of the areas on the rubric? If so where would you want to be at end of year? 4. If not what might you consider changing or including as a focus? 5. Look at Charter/School Readiness rubric: What supports might you leverage for your work? 6. Now choose 1 or 2…no more than 3 HIGH LEVERAGE activities in each area: ◦ Curriculum: the What? ◦ Pedagogy: the How? ◦ Assessment: how will we know? ◦ Administrator Development-Responsibilities 7. What are your Measureable GOALS for each by end of year? (SMART) 8. How will you plan/implement these: ◦ Engage, Support Monitor? ◦ ie: Educate, Job Embed, Track progress?

7 Questions To Consider What are reasonable goals? What structures/services could we re- align in support of this initiative? What human capital can we leverage? When will we ‘Engage’ Staff? How will we provide ongoing job embedded support? What is worth monitoring? How will we measure and track growth/needs?

8 Together We’re Better! ACOE Does… Charter Does… Teacher PDs that model strategies to be used in classes Admin PDs Curriculum Aligning Protocols & Support Content Area Expertise Development Community Resources Time and Attention Reorganizing resources Learning Environment Parent and Community Outreach School Board knowledge

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