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Jeopardy Key People Key Terms The Constitution The American Revolution Random Unit Mix Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Key People Key Terms The Constitution The American Revolution Random Unit Mix Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeopardy Key People Key Terms The Constitution The American Revolution Random Unit Mix Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Question from Key People Who was the author of Common Sense?

4 $100 Answer from Key People Thomas Paine

5 $200 Question from Key People Who was the commander of the British Troops during the American Revolution?

6 $200 Answer from Key People Lord General Cornwallis

7 $300 Question from Key People What author influenced the Constitution through his book, The Spirit of the Laws?

8 $300 Answer from Key People Montesquieu

9 $400 Question from Key People Who was a key leader among the Federalists?

10 $400 Answer from Key People Alexander Hamilton

11 $500 Question from Key People Who is the Father of the Constitution?

12 $500 Answer from Key People James Madison

13 $100 Question from Key Terms Describe the Treaty of Paris, 1763.

14 $100 Answer from Key Terms This is the treaty ending the French and Indian War. The British gained control of Canada and all land east of the Mississippi River except New Orleans.

15 $200 Question from Key Terms Define the term popular sovereignty.

16 $200 Answer from Key Terms The belief that government is created by and subject to the will of the people.

17 $300 Question from Key Terms Describe the term unalienable rights.

18 $300 Answer from Key Terms A right which cannot be transferred or sold such as the natural rights of life and liberty.

19 $400 Question from Key Terms Define the Intolerable Acts.

20 $400 Answer from Key Terms The series of laws passed in response to the Boston Tea Party. They were known in the colonies the Intolerable Acts. Included shutting down Boston Harbor & the housing of British soldiers in colonists homes.

21 $500 Question from Key Terms Describe the Great Compromise.

22 $500 Answer from Key Terms The Great Compromise created a bicameral Legislature. The Senate contains the same number of representatives from each state. The House of Representatives is based on population. This was a combination of the New Jersey & Virginia Plans.

23 $100 Question from The Constitution What three branches of government does the Constitution outline?

24 $100 Answer from The Constitution Executive Branch Legislative Branch Judicial Branch

25 $200 Question from The Constitution Describe checks and balances.

26 $200 Answer from The Constitution The term checks & balances Is used to describe the system Established to keep one branch from misusing their power. Each branch has the power to Check or stop the other branches.

27 $300 Question from The Constitution Who led the Anti- Federalists?

28 $300 Answer from The Constitution Thomas Jefferson

29 $400 Question from The Constitution Describe the beliefs of the Federalists?

30 $400 Answer from The Constitution A strong federal government would protect all people, not just the most powerful. The federal government should have more power than the state governments. Ordinary people cannot be trusted to govern themselves wisely; an aristocratic, well-educated few should govern. The Constitution should be loosely interpreted (what it says could have several different meanings) The debt from the Revolutionary War should be paid so that the new nation will have good credit. The United States should have a strong defense and stay out of Europe’s affairs.

31 $500 Question from The Constitution What did the Anti-Federalists believe ?

32 $500 Answer from The Constitution A strong central government poses dangers to individual liberty. State government should have more power than the federal government. Ordinary people, if educated can govern themselves. The Constitution should be strictly interpreted (it means exactly what it says and nothing more) The debt for the Revolutionary War should not be paid; an old government that no longer existed (under the Articles of Confederation) had contracted the debt and the new government was not responsible.

33 $100 Question from The American Revolution Where was “the shot heard round the world” fired ?

34 $100 Answer from The American Revolution Lexington

35 $200 Question from The American Revolution Where did Washington cross the Delaware and kill or capture 1000 mercenaries?

36 $200 Answer from The American Revolution Trenton

37 $300 Question from The American Revolution Where were the Continental troops camped during the Winter of 1777-1778?

38 $300 Answer from The American Revolution Valley Forge

39 $400 Question from The American Revolution Where did a combined French and American Army trap Cornwallis’ troops?

40 $400 Answer from The American Revolution Yorktown

41 $500 Question from The American Revolution What treaty ended the American Revolution?

42 $500 Answer from The American Revolution Treaty of Paris 1783

43 $100 Question from Random Unit Mix List the causes of the American Revolution.

44 $100 Answer from Random Unit Mix Proclamation of 1763 Sugar Act of 1764 Quartering Act of 1765 Stamp Act of 1765 Declaratory Act of 1766 Boston Massacre of 1770 Tea Act of 1773 Intolerable Acts of 1774

45 $200 Question from Random Unit Mix Why was Common Sense important to the cause of the American Revolution?

46 $200 Answer from Random Unit Mix Common Sense provided encouragement to the colonists to get them to support the Revolution. Thomas Paine provided simple facts colonists could understand and refuted each British claim for colonial loyalty.

47 $300 Question from Random Unit Mix Why was a French alliance so important to the American cause?

48 $300 Answer from Random Unit Mix The colonies did not have a navy to defend their coastline. The French could provide much needed money & supplies. International recognition of the new nation would help give their cause validity.

49 $400 Question from Random Unit Mix Describe the Presidency of George Washington.

50 $400 Answer from Random Unit Mix 1789-1797 Whiskey Rebellion showed the government was willing to enforce its laws. Set the precedent of only serving two terms. Established the Federal Court System

51 $500 Question from Random Unit Mix Describe Shay’s Rebellion.

52 $500 Answer from Random Unit Mix Daniel Shays led a rebellion that made it impossible for tax- collectors to do their jobs. Daniel Shays and his small army went to an arsenal. Congress had no money to raise an army. The state gathered an army. Shays was arrested and sentenced to death but appealed the sentence and eventually regained his freedom.

53 Final Jeopardy Whose beliefs grew into the first political parties and what were those parties?

54 Final Jeopardy Answer The beliefs of Hamilton and Jefferson grew into the first political parties of the U.S. Those who supported the views of Hamilton were called Federalists Those who supported the views of Jefferson were called the Democratic-Republicans

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