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Lesson Plans U7 U8U9 U10 U11 U12 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #6 #7 #8 #6 #7 #8 #6 #7 #8 #6 #7 #8 #6 #7 #8 CYCLE1CYCLE1.

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1 Lesson Plans U7 U8U9 U10 U11 U12 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #6 #7 #8 #6 #7 #8 #6 #7 #8 #6 #7 #8 #6 #7 #8 CYCLE1CYCLE1

2 1 BFUT Educational Curriculum Age Group: U10 boys & girls Lesson Plan #1: PLAYER ANALYSES Why? To provide a better education and the best development to the players, is necessary to know the players. It’s important to know the current psycho motor, technical, positioning and emotional level that the group is in. This is the major objective of this practice. When? The player analyses should be the first practice of the season with the team. As soon as it’s done, the coach will be able to determine the major goals for the season. How? The practice will have 75 minutes of duration, divided in 4 parts: Part I (20 min) – Coordination (Psycho motor system): The first part will be the brazilian warm up without the ball.The brazilian warm up has works the coordination between up and lower body and also works as preparation for the exercises. The educator ask the children to make 2 lines, as shown on diagram 1. Diagram 1 The players start jogging, always on their toes. It’s extremely important to tell the players correct way for running, avoiding touch the heels on the ground during the running. After that, the players will experience the different kinds of running in soccer and some different moves: Run Backwards Diagram 2 Run Forwards Run Sideways: 3steps each side, than switch side Diagonal Run: 3steps each side, than switch side Summer salt Cart wheel salt

3 Pass 12 yards, make summer salts Pass 12 yards, jumping in one leg Pass 12 yards, running backwards 2 The following drills have coordination between up and lower body coordination: : Movement #2: Pace with arms alternation. It’s important to tell the players to make full extension of the arms. Diagram 3 Movement #1: Pace with both arms going above the head. Movement #3: Arms on the same line of the shoulders. This is an important move for chest and shoulders warm up. Movement #4: Rotation of arms and shoulder, with full extension of arms. Movement #5: Hands touching the hip,,the shoulders, clap on the top, touch shoulders and hip again. Diagram 4 1 2 4 3 lift the knee, lift the heels, trying to touch the heels on the gluteus area. Back extension Lateral extension of the legs The following part of the warm up holds some important movements of coordination between the lower and upper body: It’s important to tell the players to try to perform all the actions with rhythm :

4 3 Part II (20 min) – Technical evaluation: In this part of the session, the players will be challenged to keep their focus on the. 4 basic heights of soccer. They will receive and pass low, medium low, medium high and high balls. Some basic steps should be explained: keep the toes up,,opposite foot position, best part of the foot to touch the ball: Diagram 5 1 st Height – Ball on the ground 2 nd Height – Medium low balls 3 rd Height – Medium high balls (chest) 4 th Height – High balls Toes up Meet the ball Bend the back Arms – shoulders’ line Jump Hit the ball with forehead Opp. Leg goes away Toes up Use inside foot Both sides Ball to the ground Both sides Arms – shoulders’ line Ball to the ground Both sides The following activity will be a stretching session, emphasizing the 4 most important groups of muscles used in soccer: Calf. Hamstrings. Quadriceps. Abductors. It’s also important to stretch the auxiliary muscles, as gluteus and lower back muscles as an example.

5 Part III (20 min) – Educational Games (Tactical Analyses): Now it’s time for the player’s tactical analyses. The educator will introduce the 4 basic aspects of brazilian soccer. To perform it, a 16 minutes game will be played, with 4 minutes per aspect. If the players doesn’t make the purposed aspects, it’s a penalty kick against their team. 40 yards 50 yards Diagram 6 4 Basic Aspects of Brazilian Soccer: 1 – play with the ball on the ground – to keep the ball under control and not allow the opposite team to steal the ball. 2 – Minimize the number of touches – in order to have a more effective style and to be more unpredictable, the players should not touch the ball more than 3 times (recommendation for this age group). 3 – Make diagonal passes – avoid square balls is another important aspect for the players. The defensive diagonal passes will avoid the pressure and the offensive diagonal passes will become the move more effective, because the player that receive the ball will already be in motion and under acceleration. 4 – Switch the point of attack – the best strategy to find gaps on the defensive system of the opposite team and to avoid pressure. 4 Part IV (15 min) – Game Situation: A 6v6 scrimmage in a 50/40 yards field will be played. The ball should be a #4. The number of players, the field size and the ball size are recommendations of the USYS. Rules can vary according to the region.

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