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Examining a Markan sandwich Mark 5:21-43  Mark 5:1-20 – Jesus visits the Geresenes  Meets possessed man and Legion  Casts Legion into herd of 2,000.

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2 Examining a Markan sandwich Mark 5:21-43

3  Mark 5:1-20 – Jesus visits the Geresenes  Meets possessed man and Legion  Casts Legion into herd of 2,000 pigs  People came and observed the man, sane  Became frightened, entreated Jesus to leave  Sane man wanted to leave with Jesus  Jesus sent him on a mission instead  Jesus crossed sea and multitude gathered

4  Jarius Made His Way through the Crowd Synagogue ruler Unlike the rulers of 3:6 Asks on behalf of his only daughter Jesus goes with him followed and pressed upon by the multitude

5  Jesus’ House Call is Interrupted …by a woman sick with an issue of blood for 12 years her sickness made her unclean made her poor, hopeless wanted just to “touch” Jesus Jesus made a public demonstation, pointing her out Frightened her, trembling Jesus calls her “daughter” and sends her away in peace

6  Sad New Arrives No need for Jesus now He could heal the sick, but not the dead? Flute players and commotion at the house Jesus sends them all away and raises the girl His thoughfulness shown in calling them to give the young girl something to eat

7  Jarius is a man vs. the woman is a “woman”  Jarius is named vs. the woman is not named  Face to face approach vs. touch from behind  Religious leader vs. excluded from religion  Has a household vs. has spent everything  12 yrs. of joy vs. 12 yrs. of misery, sickness  Jarius fell at His feet, woman fell at his feet What might we learn?

8  We ALL have distinctions  We are ALL unclean and should be excluded  We are ALL going to die FALLING DOWN BEFORE JESUS IS THE ONLY ANSWER

9  Jesus wants an active faith  Jesus wants a faith that does not conform  Jesus wants faith even when people laugh  Jesus wants faith with desperation FALLING DOWN BEFORE JESUS IS THE ONLY ANSWER

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