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Introduction to OASIS EML (Election Markup Language) Presenter: David RR Webber Oracle Corporation February 8th, 2011

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to OASIS EML (Election Markup Language) Presenter: David RR Webber Oracle Corporation February 8th, 2011"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to OASIS EML (Election Markup Language) Presenter: David RR Webber Oracle Corporation February 8th, 2011

2 Using OASIS EML –History, Overview, Processes, Transactions Applying OASIS EML –Example process steps and actions –Supporting US-style elections Summary Contents

3 Quick Overview of EML History –Work begun in May 2001 in the USA and UK –Charter: To develop a standard for the structured interchange of data among hardware, software, and service providers who engage in any aspect of providing election or voter services to public or private organizations –UK government has implementations: UK Local Election pilots held in May 2003. – Council of Europe Endorsement –Council of Europe Ministers have endorsed the e-voting recommendations and with that the use of EML EML 6.0 is a approved committee specification Considering ISO specification submission Working with IEEE P1622 Committee on US localization

4 Category Overview of EML One or more XML schemas series are provided to support each general process area: Pre election –Election (100) –Candidates (200) –Options (600) aka measures –Voters (300) Election –Voting (400) Post election –Results (500) –Audit –Analysis Some functions belong to the whole process and not to a specific part: Administration Interface Help Desk

5 How OASIS EML views process steps and separations Election: Candidates Ballot / Referendum Voters Voting Results Audit

6 Selected EML Family of Transactions Schema NamePurpose EML 110 – election eventInformation about an election or set of elections. It is usually used to communicate information from the election organizers EML 150 – election districtsDetails of the geographic election districts boundaries and precincts. Also polling places and facilities. EML 210 – candidate nominationUsed to nominate candidates or parties, consenting or withdrawing EML 230 – candidate listContest and candidates details EML 310 – voter registrationUsed to register voters for an election EML 330 – voter election listDetails of actual voters for an election EML 340 – polling informationNotification to voter of an election, their eligibility and how to vote EML 410 – ballotDescribes the actual ballot to be used for an election EML 420 – voter authenticationUsed for voter authentication during a voting process EML 440 – cast voteActual record of vote cast EML 460 – votes groupGroup of votes being transferred for counting EML 480 – audit logDocuments access to voting records and reason EML 510 - countResults of election contest(s) and counts EML 520 - resultCommunicating specific result details on candidates and elections EML 530 – statistical reportingStatewide results reporting and statistics – used in California EML 505 – web reportingReporting of election information to web – aligns with VIP feeds

7 OASIS EML voting transactions Electoral Roll (EML 310, 330, 340) –managed by election officials and by voting staff –process designed to ensure anonymous vote Votable Ballot (EML 410) –generated for voter using voting system Electronic voting records (EML 440, 460, 480, 510) –generated by voter using voting system –digitally recorded and stored by voting system (EML 510) Matching Paper voting records (EML 440, 480) –generated by voter using voting system –manually cast or mailed by voter –scanned electronically (EML 440, 480, 510)

8 OASIS EML 505 Web Reporting New transaction (EML 505) –Designed for UOCAVA voting and ballot preparation –Combines experience with Google VIP XML and EML –Incorporates new OASIS CIQ v4 (draft) name and address –Can be automatically generated from Google VIP XML –Prototyped using Virginia election data from 2010 Can be combined with EML transactions use (EML 110, 150, 230, 330, 410, 530) –EML 410 provides ballot layouts for ballot generation –EML 330 is eligible voters (poll book) –EML 230 is candidates and their election platform –EML 530 is results reporting –EML 150 is polling places and boundaries

9 OASIS EML 530 Reporting Results Reporting (EML 530) –Designed originally for California – used since 2007 to report election results via live feed to media channels –Highly flexible and customizable –Designed to handle US district and precinct reporting –Also used successfully in Europe in Belgium Planned use for auditing and tracking use cases –Code types can match categories of information required for auditing –Once codes are established and associated values and computations documented can be used to collect state wide information from polling equipment –Possible use for EAC reporting also

10 Summary – what EML supports Allows implementation of UOCAVA ballot delivery system Details of the core voting data elements and their associations and use in process Mechanisms and separations to allow automated crosschecks of ballots, districts, precincts and voters XML used to run all the process steps Open international public specifications

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