Review on development of SDI as a basis of E-government in Croatia Ivan Landek, assistant director State Geodetic Administration of RoC International Workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "Review on development of SDI as a basis of E-government in Croatia Ivan Landek, assistant director State Geodetic Administration of RoC International Workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review on development of SDI as a basis of E-government in Croatia Ivan Landek, assistant director State Geodetic Administration of RoC International Workshop on E-government and its Spatial Dimension Sofia, Friday 9 June 2006

2 Content  Legal/ reference framework  Institutional setup  Implementational frame  SGA vision 2010.  Croatian Spatial Data Infrastructure  Creating digital spatial environment  Cadastre data viewer  Comming - SGA Geoportal

3 Present legal framework  Law on State Survey and Real-Estate Cadastre (1999.)  Law on Physical Planning (1994.)  Law on Electronic Signature (2002.)  Law on Protection of Copyrights (2003.)  Various Laws that enact establishment of georeferenced and GIS based registers

4 Reference framework  Number of studies produced for SGA in period 2001.-2004.  Government of Republic of Croatia has adopted: Decree on Introduction of Geodetic Datums and plain cartogtraphic projection (August 4th 2004.)  Reasons for this step were:  Croatia gaining independence  Establishment of modern Cadastral and Spatial system in Croatia  Removing obstacles for efficient usage of GIS and IT  Creating preconditions for development of informatic society in Croatia

5 Institutional setup  Croatian Government – heighest strategic decisions  Central State Administration Office for e-Croatia – coordinating establishment and performs a strategy for e-Government  Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction – governmental authority for SGA (key factor)  State Geodetic Administration  implementation of Croatian SDI  standards and specifications  production and dissemination of basic spatial data sets/bases

6 Implementational frame  Governmental Program for period 2003.- 2007.  EU AVIS  Program on State Survey and Real-Estate Cadastre for period 2006.-2010.  Program on Implementation of new Geodetic Datums and Cartographic Projection

7 Strategic goals 2006.-2010.  IT-environment - establishment of fully digitalized authority (e-Hrvatska)  Customer orientation – delivery of services according to the needs of our customers  Contribution to general welfare  Modernization of business model SGA vision 2010.

8 SDI is integral part of Croatian government policies for information systems and public information availabilitiy Main goals of NSDI for ROC  Improvement of basis for good governance  Support for economic development  Fulfillment of criteria for joining EU Croatian SDI

9 Vision of NSDI in ROC  Open market for sharing geoinformation with increased offer and usage of spatial data  Open spatial network through integration of NSDI in E- administration  State – private – academic consensus driven partnership  NSDI must be integral part of E-government infrastructure  Connecting private sector with state and international spatial data network  Decision support for government, citizens and private companies Croatian SDI

10 Creating digital spatial environment in Croatia  Creating appropriate legal framework  Establishment of NSDI bodies  Development of NSDI tools  Creation of joint feeling for NSDI  Transfering spatial data sets into the NSDI environment  Hard work for number of years

11 Appropriate legal framework New Law on State Survey and Real-Estate Cadastre contains chapter about NSDI; including its definition, content, tasks, subjects and participants, bodies and deadlines In procedure, it will be adopted during this year!

12 Institutional Management Frame – follows new Law! NSDI bodies NSDI Coordination Body Interest Groups Projects Work Groups Steering Committe NSDI Council Proposals Directives, Decisions ProposalsDirectives, Decisions Communication, Coordination, Political support

13 NSDI Tools  Cadastre Data Viewer  E-Land Registry  Geoportal  Metadata Service (part of the Geoportal)  CROTIS and other Specifications  CROPOS

14 Cadastre data viewer

15 Cadastre data viewer – e-Cadstre  Cadastre data viewer – for insight in Central database of cadastre data for ROC  Central database of cadastre data is managed from Central office of SGA and it unifies official data from 115 cadastre offices  Main principle is “completeness” – insight in cadastre data for whole ROC  Parcel number  Ownership document number in chosen cadastre municipality

16 Cadastre data viewer – e-Cadstre Project objectives:  Secure legal trade of real estates  Development of real estates market – development of whole economy  Presenting cadastre data on public insight  Building confidence in this important state register  Motivate citizens and other subjects to update the contents of inscribed data Project users:  State bodies, economy, citizens = EVERYBODY

17 Requirement/goal-levels INSPIRE NSDI SGA Geo Portal Comming – SGA Geoportal

18  Portal for accessing various spatial data  Organized set of links towards other spatial web resources

19  Data sets available in the first phase:  Croatian Base Map 1:5.000 (raster)  Digital Ortophoto Map 1:5.000 (raster)  Cadastre Maps (raster)  Central Register of Spatial Units  Permanent Geodetic Reference Points Untill 2010. all data should be available on the Geoportal! Comming – SGA Geoportal


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