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H arassment I ntimidation B ullying What you need to know and what you need to do SRH 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "H arassment I ntimidation B ullying What you need to know and what you need to do SRH 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 H arassment I ntimidation B ullying What you need to know and what you need to do SRH 2011

2 New definition of HIB  Types of HIB behaviors:  Include any gesture, or written, verbal or physical act, or any electronic communication  Motivation for HIB behaviors:  Any actual or perceived characteristic  Examples: race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, or mental/physical/sensory disability, or any other distinguishing characteristic

3 Definition of location of HIB incident  On school property  Classroom  Playground  Cafeteria  Bathroom  School sponsored function  School bus  Off school grounds – including cyberspace

4 Things to know about HIB  HIB can take on many forms:  Hitting/punching  Teasing  Name calling  Threats  Gestures  Sending insulting messages by email, social networks and text messages  Can be a single incident or a series of incidents  Gather information about any incidents  Develop a plan of action  Teach and practice assertive skills and problem solving skills

5 What a child can do to help avoid an HIB situation?  Try to avoid getting into a negative situation  Use humor to defuse by making a joke and walk away  EX: “Lay off, I don’t want you to be late for school.”  Recruit a friend or have one with you  Tell the person assertively and walk away  EX: “Leave me alone.”  Report it to a trusted adult

6 What a parent can do to help with an HIB situation?  Talk with your child and ask how he/she interacts with peers  Provide a consequence for a HIB behavior and explain why  Model good relationships at home  Enroll your child into groups or classes that are valued  Keep the TV watching to a minimum  Teach your child empathy and how to express concern for others

7 Things to remember about HIB  Fighting back is the worst defense  Do not expect to work it out on your own – someone will help you  Always intervene and speak up in an HIB situation  HIB behaviors are not okay  Tell them “You can’t do this here and this is not acceptable.”  Get the school involved and report it (EX: teacher, counselor, administrator, coach, or any other trusted adult)

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