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Copyright 2010, The World Bank Group. All Rights Reserved. Judiciary Statistics Part 2 Crime, Justice & Security Statistics Produced in Collaboration between.

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1 Copyright 2010, The World Bank Group. All Rights Reserved. Judiciary Statistics Part 2 Crime, Justice & Security Statistics Produced in Collaboration between World Bank Institute and the Development Data Group (DECDG)

2 Copyright 2010, The World Bank Group. All Rights Reserved. Appeals Appeals are an important part of the justice system Cases decided at the lower courts are appealed to the Higher court Case from the Higher Courts can be appealed to the Court of Appeal. Data needs to be collected on all appeals when they are completed at the Higher Court and the Court of Appeal Then we can understand better how the sentencing system, is working 2

3 Copyright 2010, The World Bank Group. All Rights Reserved. Criminal Appeals data form Appeal cases heard at …. High Court Month …… Original courtOffence typeOriginal sentence (months) Result of appeal 3

4 Copyright 2010, The World Bank Group. All Rights Reserved. Appeals outcomes Original Sentencing Court………….. 2006200720082009 Appeals (No.)(%) Successful appeals (No.)(%) 4

5 Copyright 2010, The World Bank Group. All Rights Reserved. Courts staff numbers – general To work out the efficiency of the courts it is important to know the number of staff employed, by type: Judges, magistrates, court staff Staff numbers need only be collected once a year. eg see the next slide, with staff numbers collected in broad categories for each court Senior Judiciary staff at national HQ need to know how well their resources are spread throughout the country They also need to know how many vacancies there are This form will also enable the Judiciary to answer UN queries about the number of court staff and show how their country compares with others Other forms could be devised on an annual basis, to record the amount of resources in each court: eg vehicles, computers 5

6 Copyright 2010, The World Bank Group. All Rights Reserved. Court Staff data collection Name of Court ………… Numbers recruited in year Numbers left in year Number in post at end of year Vacancies at end of year Judges Magistrates Court Staff – Legal Court Staff - Admin 6

7 Copyright 2010, The World Bank Group. All Rights Reserved. Manpower Trends National Court Numbers 2007200820092010 Total employed Workload per staff member Recruited during year Left during year Vacancies % Vacancies 7

8 Copyright 2010, The World Bank Group. All Rights Reserved. Summary and individual returns Up to now we have discussed summary data sent in by the courts monthly. However, more detail would be available if an individual form could be set up to capture data from each completed case. This would be more efficient if computers were available but it is possible to do it manually It could be carried out for all cases or for only a sample. The next slide shows an example of collecting data from all court cases completed for Robbery 8

9 Copyright 2010, The World Bank Group. All Rights Reserved. Example of individual form - criminal Survey of all Robbery cases completed in……. Court during ……….. Ref \No.…….Were guns usedY/N How many victims?…..Were victims injuredY/N How much was stolenLocal currency Age/sex of suspect……… M/F What type of robbery?……Race/tribe os suspect……… Was a Gang involved?Y/NDate of court decision……… What was stolenResult of court hearingG/NG Date of Robbery…….Sentence (Months custody)…………. Time of Robbery……..Was sentence appealed?Y/N 9

10 Copyright 2010, The World Bank Group. All Rights Reserved. Use of Information Technology Good computer equipment will enhance the statistics that can be collected and analyzed. However, statistics development should not wait on good technology Statistics collection, as described in this Module can be carried out with pre-IT technology PCs, with WORD, EXCEL, Internet explorer and OUTLOOK are perfectly adequate for the vast majority of statistics that developing countries will need for the next decade. These PCs should be introduced, first at HQ, then in regional offices and finally at all courts. 10

11 Copyright 2010, The World Bank Group. All Rights Reserved. Introducing Good IT systems IT training for statistics should consist of basic understanding of EXCEL, ACCESS and WORD, rather than more complex packages such as SPSS Finally ACCESS could be used for new collection instruments Although statistics can be produced without IT systems, eventually all courts will introduce IT systems to improve their general management. The system will seek to record case papers and decisions, schedule cases, deal with management information 11

12 Copyright 2010, The World Bank Group. All Rights Reserved. Target setting Statistics are useful for monitoring targets that have been set for the Courts Service A good example is the UK courts Service (HMCS). Each year a series of targets is set and statistics monitor how far targets have been met. These are discussed at: reports/hmcs/annual-reports/hmcs-annual-report-2010-11.pdf reports/hmcs/annual-reports/hmcs-annual-report-2010-11.pdf Targets have been set for both criminal and civil court cases They deal with improving efficiency, throughput and customer satisfaction and better links with the Police. 12

13 Copyright 2010, The World Bank Group. All Rights Reserved. Targets set for English Courts Increase cases started on time Reduce time from charge to disposal Let the police know results within 3-6 days Collect fines quickly Deal quickly with breaches of community penalties Reduce waiting times for witnesses attending court Improve overall customer satisfaction with courts 13

14 Copyright 2010, The World Bank Group. All Rights Reserved. Publication of data To widen understanding of the statistics of sentencing, summary figures of outcomes in criminal cases should be published at least annually. Sentencing statistics are important the outcomes from the justice system only available from the courts. An example is shown in the next slide where the flow chart summarises flows through the court system for England and Wales. This is available on the Ministry of Justice web site at 2008.pdf 2008.pdf 14

15 Copyright 2010, The World Bank Group. All Rights Reserved. 15

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