PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION 8-Feb-141. What Is Professional Certification? A voluntary process through which an individual documents their command of a.

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2 What Is Professional Certification? A voluntary process through which an individual documents their command of a body of knowledge (BOK) Formal process to identify and acknowledge those individuals who have met a recognized standard – frequently an exam covering the BOK – as determined by a committee of subject matter experts Body of knowledge (BOK) is the pre- determined competency standard (skills and knowledge) necessary to perform a specific job, function or task

3 Value of Certification For Employers –Verifies level of employee competency –Facilitates employment decisions and shortens training time for new hires –Ensures common level of proficiency across globally dispersed teams –Demonstrates employers commitment to competence –Increased confidence in employees abilities; ongoing enhancement of knowledge and skills –Improved internal/external stakeholder satisfaction –Efficient use of organizational resources © Holmes Corporation / IEEE

4 Value of Certification For the Individual –Increases and/or validates skills and knowledge –Demonstrates pre-determine level of competence identified as essential for solving problems in real-world applications –Personal accomplishment; enhances credibility and professional reputation –Demonstrates high level of commitment to the field of practice; supports continued professional development –Increases opportunities for career advancement –Meets employer or governmental requirements © Holmes Corporation / IEEE

5 Why is IEEE Exploring Professional Certification? Strengthen the IEEE brand by positioning IEEE as a leading source for professional certification Extend the IEEE brand by reaching nontraditional IEEE members and customers Create a possible new source of revenue 8-Feb-145

6 Why is IEEE Exploring Professional Certification? (cont.) Support IEEEs Strategic Plan and Envisioned Future –growth and nurturing of the profession… –to be essential to the global technical community and to technical professionals everywhere… –industry professionals and employers will value IEEE as a major resource to achieve success… –IEEE will improve the professional competencies of students and professionals through education... 8-Feb-146

7 Certification Center Responsibilities Centralize the development of new certification programs Establish a common development model and business framework Offer certification business guidance and advice regarding certification industry standards and best practices Provide project management services Determine if professional certification is a viable business for IEEE

8 Status of Certification Programs Current –Computer Society CSDP (program is live) CSDA (program launched in 08) –Communications Society WCET (program launched in 08) Development Stage –Biometrics (BOK established, defining exam specifications) Research Stage –Chip Design (Market assessment delivered late 08) –Systems (Market assessment in progress) Early Discussion Stage –Reliability Engineering –Service Innovation (in cooperation with IBM)

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