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IEEE-USA Building Careers & Shaping Public Policy IEEE Membership Development Retreat 29 April 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "IEEE-USA Building Careers & Shaping Public Policy IEEE Membership Development Retreat 29 April 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 IEEE-USA Building Careers & Shaping Public Policy IEEE Membership Development Retreat 29 April 2005

2 "to recommend policies and implement programs specifically intended to serve and benefit the members, the profession and the public in the United States in appropriate professional areas of economic, ethical, legislative, social, and technology policy concern. Our Mission

3 "To be the best resource for U.S. IEEE members, the profession and the public on U.S. policies and programs that promote lifelong career vitality for engineers, and a high quality of life for all through electrotechnology and information technology." Our Vision

4 Organizational Structure Career, Member & Prof. Activities Scott Grayson Assoc. Managing Dir. Operations Scott Grayson Assoc. Managing Dir. Government Relations Chris Brantley Managing Director Communications & Public Relations Pender McCarter Director Admin. Services Chris Brantley Managing Director

5 Career & Member Services CareerNavigator JobNavigator (Spherion) Employment & Career Strategies Community Employment Assistance Salary Service Consultants Network Precollege Education Entrepeneurs Pilot Awards/Recognitions

6 Professional Activities PACE Network Leadership Workshop Student Professional Awareness Conf. (SPACs) Member Professional Awareness Conf. (MPACs) Professional Development Funds to Regions ($84.9K) Local Government Activities

7 Public Policy Technology Policy - Communications/ Information, Energy, Homeland Security/ Infrastructure Medical, R&D, Space/Transportation, Advisory Committee to Congressional R&D Caucus Career Policy – Retirement Security, Training/Education, Offshoring/Temp. Workers, Intellectual Property, Licensure & Registration. Grassroots Advocacy – CARE Network, Congressional Visits Day, Careers Fly-In, EngineeringtheVote.Com, Eye on Washington Government Fellowships Washington Internships

8 Communications IEEE-USA News & Views IEEE-USA Todays Engineer National Engineers Week Mass Media Fellowship Public Awareness & Diversity Partnerships Media Relations

9 2005 Strategic Priorities Global Outreach – Helping RAB promote professional activities in non-U.S. Regions. New IEEE Membership Models – Exploring opportunities and challenges for IEEE-USA. Strategic Planning - Updating Plan for 2005-2010

10 Why U.S. Membership Development is Important U.S. Assessment ($33) = 90%+ of IEEE- USA operating revenues. Our member service mission makes it difficult to create and retain non-dues revenue sources (e.g. IEEE Job Listing Service). The more U.S. members – the more influence we have in Washington.

11 How Can We Help You Help Us? Publicity -- IEEE-USA communications vehicles reach all U.S. members. Our PACE Network gives us direct ties to volunteers in U.S. regions, sections, branches, divisions and chapters. Possible initiative seed-money from IEEE-USA Voluntary Contributions Fund.

12 For More Information IEEE-USA 1828 L Street, N.W., Suite 1202 Washington, DC 20036-5104 Phone: 202-785-0017 Fax: 202-785-0835 Email: Web: Chris Brantley, Managing Director x8349, Scott Grayson, Associate Managing Director (Key Contact for Membership Development) x8376, Pender McCarter, Director, Communications x 8353,

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