Last Three Weeks:  2 Kings 18:9-19, Ps. 76,46,80,135, Isaiah 37-58  Isaiah 59-66 / 2 Ki 20-21 / 2 Chr 32-33 Nahum  2 Ki 22-23 / 2 Chr 34-35 / Zephaniah.

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Presentation on theme: "Last Three Weeks:  2 Kings 18:9-19, Ps. 76,46,80,135, Isaiah 37-58  Isaiah 59-66 / 2 Ki 20-21 / 2 Chr 32-33 Nahum  2 Ki 22-23 / 2 Chr 34-35 / Zephaniah."— Presentation transcript:


2 Last Three Weeks:  2 Kings 18:9-19, Ps. 76,46,80,135, Isaiah 37-58  Isaiah 59-66 / 2 Ki 20-21 / 2 Chr 32-33 Nahum  2 Ki 22-23 / 2 Chr 34-35 / Zephaniah / Jeremiah 1-9 (Coming Day of the LORD)

3 This Week: Jeremiah 10-29 Remaining: Jeremiah 30-52 2 Kings 24-25 & 2 Chronicles 36 Psalms 74, 79, 137,126 Habakkuk / Lamentations / Ezekiel Joel / Daniel / Ezra / Haggai / Zechariah Esther / Nehemiah / Malachi

4 1. Beginnings Old Testament Time Line 2. Patriarchs 3. Bondage 4. Exodus 5. Wanderings 6. Conquest 7. Judges 8. United Kingdom 10. Captivity 9. Divided Kingdom 11. Return

5 8. United Kingdom 9. Divided Kingdom The Fall of Samaria to the Assyrians 722 BCIsrael Judah Judah Alone WE ARE HERE

6  II Kings 17:18

7 From Chronological and Background Charts of the Old Testament by John H. Walton Zondervan 1994

8 4 Major Prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel 12 Minor Prophets: Hosea, Joel, Amos Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi

9 Chronological and Background Charts of the Old Testament by John H. Walton Zondervan 1994 The Setting & the World Political State

10 The Neo-Babylonian Period, Cont.


12 Became king at 8 years of age “He did right in the sight of the Lord and walked in all the way of his father David...” Began to seek God in 8 th year of his reign Began purging land of idols & high places in 12 th year of his reign In 18 th year, began repairing the temple, celebrated the Passover, & renewed covenant Killed in battle with Pharaoh Neco in 31 st year

13 “...did evil in the sight of the LORD according to the abominations of the nations...” Rebuilt high places Worshipped Baal, Asherah, host of heaven Practiced child sacrifice “Seduced” people to do evil > nations before Shed very much innocent blood 2 Kings 23:25-27 and Jeremiah 15:3-4


15 1. Jehoahaz (Shallum): 609 B.C. 2. Jehoiakim (Eliakim): 609 – 598 B.C.  Jehoiachin (Jeconiah): 598-597 B.C. 3. Zedekiah (Mattaniah): 597 – 586 B.C.

16 Nelson’s Complete Book of Bible Maps and Charts © 1993 Thomas Nelson, Inc. Southern Kingdom Northern Kingdom 605 597 586 Three Waves of Captivity: 605, 597, 586 B.C.

17  Son of Hilkiah (H.P. in time of Josiah?)  Of a priestly family  From Anathoth, in Benjamin  Called in the 13 th year of King Josiah (~628- 627 B.C.)  Continued to prophesy until after the fall of Jerusalem under Zedekiah (586 B.C.) ~ 40 yrs.  Called when a youth  Promised protection  Forbidden to marry  Often persecuted and mocked

18  Rod of almond tree (1:11-12)  Boiling caldron, facing from north (1:13)  The ruined linen waistband (13:1-11)  Every jug filled with wine (13:12-13)  A drought (14:1,14)  A potter remakes a spoiled pot (18:3-6)  Earthen jar broken (19:1-13)  Good figs and bad figs (24:1-10)  A cup of wine (25:15-31)  Jeremiah wears a yoke (27:2-12)  Buying plot of ground (32:6-15)  Rechabites offered wine (35:2-19)  Hiding stones in ground in Egypt (43:8-10)  Message on scroll thrown into river (51:61-64)

19  Format:  Not strictly chronological  A collection of messages, scenes  What to Look For:  Prevailing Conditions at the Time  God and the Nations  Messianic Hope To rule kingdom in righteousness Kingdom would stand forever (Spiritual) Prophesies of return often blend right into images of the Messianic kingdom

20 I.Jeremiah’s Call (1) II.The Prophecies to Judah (2-45) A.Condemnation of Judah and Jerusalem (2-29) 1.Discourses & visions against them (2-20) 2.Charges against the rulers (21-24) 3.The sentence described (25-29) B.Promise of Restoration (30-33) C.The Coming Fall of Jerusalem (34-45) 1.Last years of the kingdom (34-38) 2.Destruction of Jerusalem (39) 3.Messages after the fall (40-45) III. Judgment Against the Nations (46-51) IV. Captivity of Judah (52)


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