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Act I Vocabulary The Crucible. Predilection preference His predilection for debate led to many interesting discussions.

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Presentation on theme: "Act I Vocabulary The Crucible. Predilection preference His predilection for debate led to many interesting discussions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Act I Vocabulary The Crucible

2 Predilection preference His predilection for debate led to many interesting discussions.

3 Autocracy dictatorship Hitler’s Germany was an autocracy.

4 Trepidation fear Having a fear of flying in an airplane, she approached the upcoming flight with trepidation.

5 Calumny slander After the newspaper called him a crook, the politician threatened to sue the publisher for calumny.

6 Prodigious Amazing and powerful The congregation viewed the painting of the crying Madonna as a prodigious sign from God.

7 Iniquity Wickedness The Puritans also believed that the Devil could tempt them to iniquity.

8 Inculcation Act of impressing on the mind Children may learn prejudice by the inculcation of hate by adults.

9 Abrogation Annulment The abrogation of the trade agreement would make commerce more difficult between the two countries.

10 Propitiation Attempt to make favorably inclined After the argument, the husband’s propitiation of his wife included buying her flowers and admitting he was wrong.

11 Licentious Morally loose While we consider dancing perfectly tame, to the Puritans it was licentious behavior.

12 Act II The Crucible Vocabulary

13 We observed her paleness and weakness as she tried to stand up after being bedridden for two weeks. Pallor

14 In order to improve a bad situation, you must first devise a plan to change it. Ameliorate

15 In fairy tales, a witch is often a withered old woman. Crone

16 Although you are a vegetarian, don’t be reluctant to allow me the pleasure of eating a hamburger. Begrudge

17 In many Asian countries old people are treated with courteous respect. Deference

18 Studying to be a minister, the young man took many courses in religious philosophy. Theology

19 When he is invested with official authority as minister, he will return home to serve the poor of his community. Ordained

20 The contents of a dented can might be contaminated. Tainted

21 The new father handled his infant very carefully. Gingerly

22 The Puritans believed in swift retribution for even a hint of speech or action showing contempt for God. Blasphemy

23 Other Words to add Conjured- Summoned by oath or spell Faction- A small group within a larger group Abomination-Things that elicit dislike Inert-unable to move or act Partisan-militant supporter of a party, cause, faction or idea

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