HOST A COMENIUS ASSISTANT. What is Comenius? Enhance the quality of European education Encourage the exchange of ideas and experience within the education.

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Presentation on theme: "HOST A COMENIUS ASSISTANT. What is Comenius? Enhance the quality of European education Encourage the exchange of ideas and experience within the education."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is Comenius? Enhance the quality of European education Encourage the exchange of ideas and experience within the education systems of European countries Broaden the outlook and widen the experience of young Europeans Encourage a greater awareness of a shared European heritage

3 The Comenius Assistantship has been a most worthwhile experience not only for the assistant but for the children of our school, the staff and our wider school community. I believe that we learned as much from our Assistant as she learned from us. - Gainford Primary School, Darlington

4 What does a Comenius Assistant do? Bring a European dimension to the school Introduce their culture across the curriculum Teach their native language Teach their specialist subject Help develop links with other countries Enhance extra-curricular life of school

5 Who are Comenius Assistants? Intending or trainee teachers of any subject Must not yet have been employed as a teacher Opportunity to gain teaching and cultural experiences and be a cultural ambassador for their country Funded by a grant from their own National Agency

6 Where are Comenius Assistants from? Choice of 32 participating countries! –All EU Countries –Iceland, Norway, Lichtenstein, Switzerland –Turkey, Croatia

7 How does it work? Timetable of 12-16 hours a week Flexible duration (from 13 to 45 weeks) Flexible start date across academic year Cluster applications Application process – see Project Lifecycle and Application Guidance

8 School Responsibilities: Preparation Child protection –CRB plus Police Certificate from home country Insurance Assistance with finding accommodation –Host Family? Private let? Flat share?

9 School Responsibilities: Support Support and mentoring – nominate a co- ordinator Regular meetings and evaluation Attend a regional briefing for host schools Submit a work programme to British Council Write a report at the end of placement

10 Are we eligible? Assistants language not taught on curriculum (secondary schools) Not hosting the same nationality for more than two consecutive years UK National Priorities - extra points are given to: –Schools who have not hosted in 2009/10 or 2010/11 –Schools who have started Comenius School Partnerships in 2010, or applying to do so in 2011 –Schools registered with eTwinning or ISA

11 Timeline Application deadline: 31 January 2011 Eligibility Assessment - February Quality Assessment (external) – March Informed of outcome – end of April Matching Process- May- June Receive Comenius Assistants details- end of June Comenius Assistants start from September 2011

12 Help and Advice Comenius Website –Application Guidance –EC Good Practice Guide for Hosts and Assistants –Lifelong Learning Programme Guide –Quality Assessment Criteria Other sources – Contact Comenius Team – Application Surgeries

13 Contact E: T: 0161 957 7755


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