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Problem-Based Learning Project EDA 6061 November 14, 2009 Team Heron.

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1 Problem-Based Learning Project EDA 6061 November 14, 2009 Team Heron

2 Summary of Problem  Hickory High school is faced with multiple issues on administrative, staffing, and student performance levels  Superintendent is to ensure that Hickory High staff develop a plan of action with a common direction, work together in a supportive manner, with the time and power needed to develop reforms and deliver on plans

3 Crucial Issues in Reform  School Climate  Building Relationships  The Change Process

4 Leadership Response  Superintendent creates district level team including Director of Curriculum and Staff Development and Director of Technology  Collaborative decision is made to implement Professional Learning Communities district-wide  Hickory High school will be pilot site

5 Addressing School Climate  Why Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)? Key research points here

6 Key Components of PLCs  Guided viewing of non-example and example of PLC planning meeting  While watching the video, note ideas that you:

7 Steps Toward Shifting Thinking  Principal O’Connor’s move toward excellent leadership as a motivating force for his staff begins with his buy-in, which will be fostered by the District Leadership Team through: Notoriety of selection as pilot site National Training for Hickory High PLC Leadership Team Implementation fully funded and supported by district and university affiliation

8 Steps Toward Shifting Thinking Recognition via:  presentation to school board  press conference  use of pilot model data to drive district’s 5-year plan for total implementation of PLCs

9 The Change Process  Educators will change the way they view leadership when engaging in practices such as collaboration, distributed leadership, and participatory decision-making (Doyle, 2004)

10 Collaboration  Well-balanced school leadership team to include new and veteran teachers from each subject department  Attending national training will foster bond of shared experiences to build foundation of respect and collaboration

11 Distributed Leadership  Loss of control and excess uncertainty as a reason for resistance to change (Kanter)  Leadership Team will share collective wisdom with all staff  Roles as leaders will include acting as liaison between subject departments and administration

12 Participatory Decision-Making  Leadership Team: Determines best method to present change to staff Creates school-wide training Selects meeting schedule and level of support

13 Conditions for Change in School Climate  Open Communication  More people tune into the environment when they are aware that they can: Communicate regularly Have access to answers Feel safe questioning decisions made (Kanter, Change Toolkit)

14 Addressed at Hickory High by...  Clearly communicated procedures for addressing issues within PLC structure Begin with PLC team leader, if not resolved, he/she goes to school leadership team for recommendations For school-wide issues, faculty will collaboratively decide how to address issue using the leadership team’s recommendations

15 Conditions for Change in School Climate  Loss of routine – people will resist change when they feel that they are losing their routine and more work has been added (Kanter)

16 Addressed at Hickory High by...  PLC model lessens workload: Formerly separate meetings are combined (grade levels and departments together) Meetings have clear purpose and outcomes

17 Building Relationships  The key to building relationships is recognizing each other’s expertise and how it can help to build a community  Symbiotic relationship where everyone contributes and everyone benefits -Doyle

18 Building Relationships  School-wide training by leadership team 1 week before contract (details of that plan)  Break into department teams – analyze data, discuss needs, decide on path  Create collaborative atmosphere – each PLC group posts lessons on sharepoint

19 Building Relationships  Incorporate lessons in PLC that utilize technology effectively  High School classes should focus on use of internet for research and presentations (cite tech book)

20 Building Relationships  Plan for Participation – Implement PLCs, increase comfort level, determine new school vision

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