English Language Arts and Reading Adoption Supplemental Science Request.

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Presentation on theme: "English Language Arts and Reading Adoption Supplemental Science Request."— Presentation transcript:

1 English Language Arts and Reading Adoption Supplemental Science Request

2 Introduction John Lopez John Lopez Managing Director Managing Director Instructional Materials and Educational Technology Instructional Materials and Educational Technology Texas Education Agency Texas Education Agency

3 Agenda Overview of Textbook Review and Adoption Overview of Textbook Review and Adoption Proclamation 2011 Proclamation 2011 What’s Different About Proclamation 2011 What’s Different About Proclamation 2011 Supplemental Science Supplemental Science

4 Review and Adoption Process

5 Overview State constitution requires free textbooks for all students attending public schools State constitution requires free textbooks for all students attending public schools State Board of Education sets aside money from the Available School Fund for this purpose State Board of Education sets aside money from the Available School Fund for this purpose State legislature appropriates the funds State legislature appropriates the funds Review and adoption process determines which instructional materials are eligible for purchase with this appropriation Review and adoption process determines which instructional materials are eligible for purchase with this appropriation

6 Adoption Cycle Foundation Curriculum Foundation Curriculum – English Language Arts – Mathematics – Science– Social Studies Enrichment Curriculum Enrichment Curriculum – Health – Physical Education – Fine Arts – Economics – Languages Other – Technology Applications Than English – Religious Literature – Career and Technical Education

7 Proclamations Issued by the State Board of Education Issued by the State Board of Education Based on approval of related TEKS Based on approval of related TEKS Contents Contents – Identifies subjects areas and grade levels being adopted – Contains TEKS – Maximum per-student cost – Estimated number of units purchased in first year – Schedule of adoption procedures – Instructions for providing digital files for Braille versions Named by year the materials will be implemented Named by year the materials will be implemented

8 Development and Submission Publishers typically have two years from the issuance of the proclamation to develop materials aligned to TEKS Publishers typically have two years from the issuance of the proclamation to develop materials aligned to TEKS Publishers must submit a Statement of Intent to Bid indicating their desire to participate in the proclamation Publishers must submit a Statement of Intent to Bid indicating their desire to participate in the proclamation Publishers must provide samples to ESCs and the TEA Publishers must provide samples to ESCs and the TEA

9 State Review Panels Panel performs full and complete investigation of materials to identify number of TEKS covered Panel performs full and complete investigation of materials to identify number of TEKS covered Identify factual errors Identify factual errors Composed of professors, public school teachers, business community, other subject matter experts Composed of professors, public school teachers, business community, other subject matter experts Nominated by SBOE members, legislators, school districts, Texas residents Nominated by SBOE members, legislators, school districts, Texas residents Commissioner appoints panel members Commissioner appoints panel members Findings are the basis for Commissioner’s recommendation to SBOE Findings are the basis for Commissioner’s recommendation to SBOE

10 Textbook Lists Commissioner’s recommendation based on findings of the state review panel Commissioner’s recommendation based on findings of the state review panel Conforming List Conforming List – Meets 100% of TEKS – Meets Manufacturing Specifications – Free from factual errors Nonconforming List Nonconforming List – Meets at least 50%, but less than100% of TEKS – Meets Manufacturing Specifications – Free from factual errors

11 Textbook Errors Commissioner presents SBOE with list of known factual errors Commissioner presents SBOE with list of known factual errors Compilation of errors found by state review panel, reported by publishers, reported by public Compilation of errors found by state review panel, reported by publishers, reported by public Publishers are required to correct errors before shipping materials to schools Publishers are required to correct errors before shipping materials to schools

12 Adoption Using Commissioner’s recommendations as a guide Using Commissioner’s recommendations as a guide SBOE decides which materials are placed on the Conforming List and Nonconforming List SBOE decides which materials are placed on the Conforming List and Nonconforming List Local authorities set their own policy for choosing books that are most appropriate for their students Local authorities set their own policy for choosing books that are most appropriate for their students Foundations Curriculum: must choose from Conforming List or Nonconforming List to have materials purchased by the state Foundations Curriculum: must choose from Conforming List or Nonconforming List to have materials purchased by the state Enrichment Curriculum: Can choose adopted or non-adopted materials Enrichment Curriculum: Can choose adopted or non-adopted materials

13 Ordering and Fulfillment Orders placed with TEA through EMAT Orders placed with TEA through EMAT Materials are shipped from privately owned depositories Materials are shipped from privately owned depositories Due to schools no later than 10 business days before beginning of school year Due to schools no later than 10 business days before beginning of school year

14 Proclamation 2011

15 Proclamation Issued May 2008 Issued May 2008 Subjects and Grade Levels Subjects and Grade Levels – English Language Arts, grades 2-8 – Spanish Language Arts, grades 2-6 – Speech, grades 6-8 – English I-IV – English as a Second Language, grades K-8 – Spelling, grades 1-2 (consumable) – Spelling, grades 3-6 – Handwriting, grades 1-3 (consumable) – Prekindergarten Systems

16 Timeline December 4, 2009: SOITB due December 4, 2009: SOITB due April 16, 2010: English samples due April 16, 2010: English samples due May 21, 2010: Spanish samples due May 21, 2010: Spanish samples due June 2010: State review panels met June 2010: State review panels met September 2010: SBOE held public hearing September 2010: SBOE held public hearing November 2010: SBOE adopted materials November 2010: SBOE adopted materials December 2010: Revised Bids Due December 2010: Revised Bids Due April 29, 2011: Corrected samples due April 29, 2011: Corrected samples due Spring 2011: Ordering begins Spring 2011: Ordering begins June-August 2011: Materials delivered to schools June-August 2011: Materials delivered to schools

17 Considerations English Language Arts and Reading is typically the largest adoption English Language Arts and Reading is typically the largest adoption Number of components per student/teacher is typically larger than other foundation subjects Number of components per student/teacher is typically larger than other foundation subjects 21 publishers submitted 297 products that contain approximately 6,300 separate components 21 publishers submitted 297 products that contain approximately 6,300 separate components

18 What's Different in P2011 A publisher that offers a digital version of a print program must bid the versions separately A publisher that offers a digital version of a print program must bid the versions separately All digital programs must be platform-neutral All digital programs must be platform-neutral Publishers of electronic programs are to offer a price for a statewide license Publishers of electronic programs are to offer a price for a statewide license Publishers are to provide a digital version of teacher materials Publishers are to provide a digital version of teacher materials Publishers are to provide ancillaries electronically Publishers are to provide ancillaries electronically

19 Request for Supplemental Science Materials

20 Proclamation 2012 Science SBOE Delayed Proclamation Indefinitely Issued a request for supplemental science materials for new TEKS Biology, Chemistry, IPC, & Physics Grades 5, 6, 7, 8

21 Current legislation requires the phase-out of high school TAKS and replaces it with EOC assessments in: Current legislation requires the phase-out of high school TAKS and replaces it with EOC assessments in: English I, English II, English III English I, English II, English III Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II U.S. History, World History, World Geography U.S. History, World History, World Geography Biology, Chemistry, Physics Biology, Chemistry, Physics EOC Assessments

22 Fiscally responsible with economic climate Fiscally responsible with economic climate Alignment with new and updated TEKS Alignment with new and updated TEKS Biology, Chemistry, Physics, IPC Biology, Chemistry, Physics, IPC Grades 5 - 8 Grades 5 - 8 Supplemental Science

23 Online Online Print on Demand Optional Print on Demand Optional No ancillaries No ancillaries Flexible discretion on Chapter 66 rules Flexible discretion on Chapter 66 rules Did not establish maximum cost Did not establish maximum cost Did not establish a budget Did not establish a budget SBOE may negotiate final cost SBOE may negotiate final cost May select one or more products May select one or more products Supplemental Science

24 Biology, Chemistry, Physics and IPC Biology, Chemistry, Physics and IPC Over 25 publisher submissions Over 25 publisher submissions Over 100 program submissions Over 100 program submissions Supplemental Science

25 Samples February 2011 Samples February 2011 Review March 2011 Review March 2011 Adopt April 2011 Adopt April 2011 Order TBD 2011 Order TBD 2011 Supplemental Science-High School

26 Samples February 2011 Samples February 2011 Review June 2011 Review June 2011 Adopt July 2011 Adopt July 2011 Order TBD 2011 Order TBD 2011 Supplemental Science—Gr. 5-8



29 Questions and Feedback

30 Contact Information John Lopez John Lopez 512.463.9601 512.463.9601 john.lopez@tea.state.tx.us john.lopez@tea.state.tx.us john.lopez@tea.state.tx.us www.tea.state.tx.us/imet www.tea.state.tx.us/imet

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