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DISCUSSION GUIDE 1.What was the role of a centurion? (Luke 7:1-2) A centurion was a non-commissioned officer in the Roman army commanding 100 men.

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Presentation on theme: "DISCUSSION GUIDE 1.What was the role of a centurion? (Luke 7:1-2) A centurion was a non-commissioned officer in the Roman army commanding 100 men."— Presentation transcript:




4 DISCUSSION GUIDE 1.What was the role of a centurion? (Luke 7:1-2) A centurion was a non-commissioned officer in the Roman army commanding 100 men.

5 DISCUSSION GUIDE 2.What was the relationship between the centurion and the slave? (v. 2) The Greek term for slave indicates a form of affection, possibly a personal servant who was highly valued.

6 DISCUSSION GUIDE 3.The centurion “heard of Jesus” but had never met Jesus. Why is this significant for the spreading of faith? (v. 3) This demonstrated to the Gentiles that they could hear the message of Jesus through messengers and be saved.

7 DISCUSSION GUIDE 4.How did the centurion display great humility? (vs. 4-8) He acknowledged his position compared to Jesus. Even though he had more political power he submitted to Jesus.

8 DISCUSSION GUIDE 5.Why was Jesus amazed at the faith of the centurion? (vs. 9-10) The centurion demonstrated great faith because he said Jesus could just speak from a distance and heal His servant.

9 DISCUSSION GUIDE 6.How can you share the message of what Jesus has done for you to make the most impact?

10 DISCUSSION GUIDE 7.Jesus demonstrated great compassion towards the widow whose son had died (v. 13). How have you experienced the Lord’s compassion?

11 DISCUSSION GUIDE 8.Luke referred to Jesus as Lord for the first time, why? (v. 13) In this miracle Jesus would be Lord over all – even death.

12 DISCUSSION GUIDE 9.How did the crowd respond to this miracle? (vs. 16-17) a. They were in awe b. They acknowledged Jesus as God c. They spread the message

13 DISCUSSION GUIDE 10A. Where was John the Baptist when he sent his disciples to ask Jesus his identity? (vs. 18-20) He was in jail. B. Why would he ask about Jesus’ identity? He wanted Jesus to take action to release him from jail.

14 DISCUSSION GUIDE 11.How did Jesus respond to John’s disciples? (vs. 21-23) He performed miracles and told them to report to John what they had seen.

15 DISCUSSION GUIDE 12.How can you demonstrate the power of Jesus in your life to a non-believer?

16 DISCUSSION GUIDE 13.How did Jesus praise John the Baptist? (vs. 24-28) a. He was not a man of wealth b. He was more than a prophet because he introduced Jesus c. He said no one is greater than John

17 DISCUSSION GUIDE 14.Complete the following chart for comparison. (vs. 31-35) Jesus ComparisonMeaning for His GenerationSimilarity to Today Children in the Marketplace Jesus and John were not playing the tune they wanted to hear Rebellion, no moral absolutes John the BaptistJudged him for being different and an outsider In the name of tolerance they are intolerant of a person who is a Christ- follower The Son of ManJudged Him for being too social and caring for all Sometimes religious people are judgmental of others who minister to the down and out or up and out in society

18 DISCUSSION GUIDE 15.What are the main points of the story of the sinful woman anointing the feet of Jesus? (vs. 36-50) a. (v. 36)Jesus would hang out with all types, even religious legalists b. (vs. 37-38)The woman gave her best for Christ c. (v. 39)Don’t judge others who are doing ministry just because you are uncomfortable with it d. (vs. 40-47)It is not our place to judge, but to forgive like Jesus e. (vs. 48-50)You can’t out sin God’s forgiveness

19 DISCUSSION GUIDE 16.Faith was spreading through the ministry of Jesus (Luke 8:1- 3). What can you do this week to help spread the faith?

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