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Benchmark Review Please have your benchmark packet out Please pick up a Learning partner sheet.

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Presentation on theme: "Benchmark Review Please have your benchmark packet out Please pick up a Learning partner sheet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Benchmark Review Please have your benchmark packet out Please pick up a Learning partner sheet

2 Agenda Discussion of Review and your role in it Review Packet Jeopardy review

3 Learning Partners Please make (3) appointments with (3) different people Moose Bad Fish Person walking

4 Review This is your review. It is important that we check in on the work you need to know for our assessment. You may use any resource you think will be helpful. Please respectful of your space as you move to work with your partners

5 Walking person Partner Please work with this partner to share your homework answers for the Chapter 7 and 17 material

6 Answers Legislative Executive Judicial No one branch has more power than the other

7 answers 100 senators 2 per state Proportional Census 4 years Electoral college Cabinet Judicial review 1787, 1788 Bill of rights Amendment 27 federalism

8 Chapter 17 1.d 2. j 3.a 4.e 5.L 6. h 7. c 8. g 9. f 10. I 11. b 12. k

9 Chapter 17 Increased power: D,e,f Decreased power: All the rest Limited voting rights: literacy test, poll tax, grandfather clause

10 Moose partner Please move to your moose partner and complete Chapter 18 review

11 Answers for Chapter 18 1. The rush to find gold and silver led to the creation of boomtowns to support the people living in the area. 2. The railroads developing led to the growth of the steel, coal, and lumber industry. It also brought people out west to take advantage of the Homestead Act and the creation of timezones.

12 Answers chapter 18 3. Problems that were faced by settlers of were drought, grasshopers, severe winters, hard soil called sod, and long drives if they were ranchers. 4. The Federal government moved American Indians onto reservations with the Dawes Act ( a law) to so that the west could be settled by US citizens. The American Indians nomadic way of life, some following the buffalo, prevented the settlement.

13 Chapter 18 5. Settlers impacted the American Indian’s life in that they were forced onto reservations and could no longer use the Buffalo as a food source. 6. The problem with railroads was that they created subsidies in which they fixed prices to use the railroads with high rates. 7. Farmers try to solve their problems with the creation of the Populist political party, granges, and cooperatives.

14 BAD fish Partner Move to your BAD fish partner, and complete chapter 19

15 Chapter 19 1. Cornelius Vanderbilt 2. Andrew Carnegie 3. John D Rockefeller 4. Thomas Edison 5. Alexander Graham Bell 6. Henry Ford 7. stock 8. shareholder 9. monopoly 10 The corporation is able to create investment capital( money) to use to run and improve the business. 11. An individual can benefit by either buying a stock low and selling it at a higher price or by receiving dividends to share in the companies profits.

16 TAKE TIME TO STUDY Benchmark is next class You need to study ! When will you make time? What will you do to prepare? Bring a pen next class

17 Also homework 12/4 and 12/5 Complete Chapter 20 for review for the DBQ essay. Essay topic will be on Immigration

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