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Surveying The Solar System Poking Around the Neighbourhood.

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Presentation on theme: "Surveying The Solar System Poking Around the Neighbourhood."— Presentation transcript:

1 Surveying The Solar System Poking Around the Neighbourhood

2 What’s Out There? What are the celestial bodies? How far away are they? What does the earth have in common with them? How is the Earth different?

3 We’ve gotten a few answers… Hubble Space Probes –Venera –Solar Observer –Pioneer –Viking –Voyager –Pathfinder (Mars) –Apollo (manned)

4 The Sun 1.4 Million km in diameter –1,400,00 km –1.4 x 10 6 km Composed mostly of hydrogen Surface constantly churns and writhes Some areas are cooler - appear darker –Known as sun spots Violent outbursts called solar flares erupt regularly Flares make solar wind



7 Sun Statistics Mass (kg)1.989e+30 Mass (Earth = 1)332,830 Equatorial radius (km)695,000 km Equatorial radius (Earth = 1)108.97 Mean density (gm/cm^3)1.410 Rotational period (days)25-36* Escape velocity (km/sec)618.02 Mean surface temperature6,000°C Corona Temperature1,000,000 °C Internal Temp15 000 000 °C Age (billion years)4.5

8 Principal chemistry Hydrogen 92.1% Helium 7.8% Oxygen 0.061% Carbon 0.030% Nitrogen 0.0084% NeonIron 0.0076% Silicon 0.0037% Magnesium 0.0031% Sulfur 0.0024% All others 0.0015%

9 The Planets There are 9 planets in our solar system All are quite different from each other Inner 4 are rocky (M, V, E, M) Outer 4 are gas giants (J, S, U, N) Last on - Pluto - just plain weird (P) M y V accuum E xploded M om it J ust S ucks U p N othing - P oop!


11 Scale - using the Earth as 1 Earth –Diameter -> 12750 km ( 1 ED) –Distance From the Sun -> 149 599 000 km = 1 AU Venus –Diameter -> 12000 km (0.95 ED) 12000 / 12750 Inside the SS we use Astronomical Units Outside the SS we use light years

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