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M ATH P ROJECT Why do I Pay? Kadajiuna Vaughn. H ISTORY OF T AXATION The history of taxation in the united states began when it was composed of colonies.

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Presentation on theme: "M ATH P ROJECT Why do I Pay? Kadajiuna Vaughn. H ISTORY OF T AXATION The history of taxation in the united states began when it was composed of colonies."— Presentation transcript:

1 M ATH P ROJECT Why do I Pay? Kadajiuna Vaughn

2 H ISTORY OF T AXATION The history of taxation in the united states began when it was composed of colonies ruled by the British Empire, French Empire, and Spanish Empire. After independence from Europe the united states collected poll taxes, tariffs, and excise taxes. The united states imposed income taxes intermittently until 1895 when unapportioned taxes on interest, divides and rents were ruled unconstitutional. The advent of the 16 th amendment to the united states constitution modified the apportionment requirement in 1913, and since then the income tax has became one of the means of funding the Federal Government. 1

3 A GREE OR D ISAGREE WITH TAXATION ? No because when people tax they have to go thru different situations because of taxes

4 H AWAII Hawaii has a sales tax of 4%. They have excess tax to the subject of rent, medical services, and perishable foods.

5 C ALIFORNIA The sales tax in California is 8.25% The united states imposed income taxes intermittently until 1895 when taxes on interest, divides and rents were ruled unconstitutional.

6 T EXAS The sales tax of texas is 6.25% Unemployment insurance, social security, and offers in compromise.

7 A LASKA Alaska has a 5% sales tax.

8 ARKANSAS The sales tax in Arkansas is 6%. “There are 6 income tax brackets for Arkansas.” “If your income range is between $0 and $3,700, your tax rate on every dollar of income earned is 1%. If your income range is between $3,701 and $7,400, your tax rate on every dollar of income earned is 2.5%. If your income range is between $7,401 and $11,100, your tax rate on every dollar of income earned is 3.5%. If your income range is between $11,101 and $18,600, your tax rate on every dollar of income earned is 4.5%. If your income range is between $18,601 and $31,000, your tax rate on every dollar of income earned is 6%. If your income range is $31,000 and over, your tax rate on every dollar of income earned is 7%.”

9 I PHONE 4 $99 104.99/m

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11 UGGS $179.94;_ylt=AjPQtyRg ER9QvcyIosttF4obFt0A?p=uggs+boots&b=31

12 S AMSUNG GRAVITY $1 online =samsung+gravity&noj=1&safe=active&um=1&i e=UTF- 8&cid=12521549892779291503&ei=OokLTY_JL8 T6lweWlrC4DA&sa=X&oi=product_catalog_resul t&ct=result&resnum=4&ved=0CDsQ8wIwAw#

13 LAPTOP $343 onlineonline =cheap+laptops+for+sale&noj=1&safe=active&u m=1&ie=UTF- 8&cid=18304857431730714492&ei=zYsLTe3zF8 Lflgetr8DcCw&sa=X&oi=product_catalog_result &ct=image&resnum=7&ved=0CFcQ8gIwBg#

14 SOURSES &noj=1&safe=active&um=1&ie=UTF- 8&cid=18304857431730714492&ei=zYsLTe3zF8Lflgetr8DcCw&sa=X&oi= product_catalog_result&ct=image&resnum=7&ved=0CFcQ8gIwBg# &noj=1&safe=active&um=1&ie=UTF- 8&cid=18304857431730714492&ei=zYsLTe3zF8Lflgetr8DcCw&sa=X&oi= product_catalog_result&ct=image&resnum=7&ved=0CFcQ8gIwBg#http:// e=active&um=1&ie=UTF- 8&cid=12521549892779291503&ei=OokLTY_JL8T6lweWlrC4DA&sa=X& oi=product_catalog_result&ct=result&resnum=4&ved=0CDsQ8wIwAw#ht tp://;_ylt=AjPQtyRgER9QvcyIosttF4obFt0A?p= uggs+boots&b=31;_ylt=AjPQtyRgER9Qv cyIosttF4obFt0A?p=uggs+boots&b=31 +find+a+cheap+blackberry+torch&hl=en&safe=active &cid=5694976478091341718&os=related

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