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Welcome to ◆ free talk on films ◆ revision of a hit film in 2008 ◆ chose the best film for this year.

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3 Welcome to ◆ free talk on films ◆ revision of a hit film in 2008 ◆ chose the best film for this year

4 comedy 喜剧 action films 动作片 romantic films 浪漫片 detective films horror films 恐怖片 musical films 音乐剧 fantasy films 科幻片 cartoon tragedy 悲剧

5 Use the words below to make sentences about movies extremely 极其地、极度地 colourful 颜色鲜艳的、多采多姿的 enjoyable 有乐趣的、令人愉快 romantic 浪漫的 moving 动人的、感人的 (moved) powerful 强大的、强有力的 hit 很受欢迎的人或事 amazing 令人惊讶的


7 When is the film set? (setting 背景 ) Who are in the movies? (characters 人物 ) How many reasons make the movie succeed?

8 When is the film set? (setting) Who are in the movies? (characters) How many reasons made the movie succeed? The film is set far in the future. Wall- E and Eve Three e.g.. The film is set in the second world war.

9 3.Why do humans build WALL-E? 4. Why does WALL-E have to work every day even after all the humans leave Earth? 5.Why does WALL-E follow EVE onto the spaceship? 6. What makes the film enjoyable and moving? 7. What else makes WALL-E a hit family film of 2008?

10 3.Why do humans build WALL-E? 4. Why does WALL-E have to work every day even after all the humans leave Earth? 5.Why does WALL-E follow EVE onto the spaceship? Humans build him to help them collect rubbish. Because when humans leave, nobody turns it off ( on,up,down) Because WALL-E is lonely and doesn't want his new friend to go.

11 6. What makes the film enjoyable and moving? 7. What else makes WALL-E a hit family film of 2008? The film also makes you think. It has a powerful message about the environment.

12 Ture or False Discuss and tell T or F 1.Wall-E is a new cartoon 2. Humans leave WALL-E to clean up the rubbish on Earth 3.Eve is a slow and stupid robot 4.WALL-E is lonely, so EVE stays to make friends with him 5. WALL-E and EVE speak the same language T F F F F make friends with sb

13 Nominated films( 提名电影) Discuss and chose one of them to be the Best Picture ( 最佳电影) Explain the reasons Kufu panda Up

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