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Super Customer Service Plays! prepared for

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1 Super Customer Service Plays! prepared for

2 “I am thinking the same thing about you!” Honor Appreciation of difference Respect Dignity

3 Look for what is right and unique in others: Think about the person you least like. Now define one thing about that person you respect: _____________________________ Next time you see that person think about that aspect of them and tell them that you respect it. If there is a history of tension, tell others how you respect that person.

4 Saying YES One player may start off with, "Your coat is so lovely." The response of the other player could be, "YES AND I made it for you." The other player responds, "YES AND I have a thousand dollars for it." "YES AND I am going to use that money to make a hundred more coats for you." The players must always have the ‘YES AND' at the beginning of their sentence.

5 Saying YES Moderator can begins the story with "Once upon a time there was a” or “Yesterday I ___ (something imaginary)." Each participant contributes a "Yes, and...(something)" sentence to the story while optionally including previous statements. Keep going around until the story finds a natural end. Moderator ends the story by saying "The End." and encouraging applause. Moderator asks players what they noticed. What was hard? What was easy? In what ways do we say no when we could say YES? What worked? What didn't? Moderator draws learning conclusions and ties the game back to super customer service plays. Do not argue with the what was just added to the story. Do not question what was just added to the story.

6 Saying YES That is a great idea, let’s explore that I have never looked at it like that, very interesting Let me bring my leadership into the loop on this and talk about it further Let me check into that and get right back with you I am glad you brought that up, that is a great idea

7 Super Customer Service Plays 1.Use the last leader/moderator or select a new one. 2.Identify a word/short phrase of 5 traits needed to provide good customer service. I.e. Curiosity, Like to help, Empathetic. 3.At your table share the best customer service experiences you have had that include as many of the traits you identified above. 4.Be ready to share the best example at your table with the larger group as a whole.

8 5 21 EDCAB 3 4

9 Power of Perception! What thoughts went through your head when you saw my outfit/costume?

10 Power of Perception!

11 Power of Perception! When not perceiving, people tend to be judging or fitting people or situations into “boxes”

12 Power of Perception! Assumptions Fun, trying to relate, comfortable, uneducated, unknowledgeable, inappropriate, courageous, real, ?

13 Power of Perception! What assumptions are we making? Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Wife’s appointment after son’s birth Person honking horn

14 Power of Assumptions! 1.Do we do this with other peers and customers? 2.What assumptions are we making? We have never done it that way. Company policy doesn ’ t allow me to. Is this person important enough to take the risk? My leadership won ’ t support me if I do this. Others like things the way I do. Golden Rule. 3.How can we improve this?

15 Gossip “In my opinion” “I believe” “I feel”

16 Ryan Tonolli, Marketing VP at Sysco Foods “If only my people would quit interrupting me and let me get my job done "

17 Gary Ridge, CEO for WD 40, company pledge "I am responsible for taking action, asking questions, getting answers, and making decisions. I won't wait for someone to tell me. If I need to know, I am responsible for asking. I have no right to be offended that I didn't 'get this sooner.' If I'm doing something others should know about, I'm responsible for telling them. "

18 Healthy Conflict Don’t attack the other person Acknowledge the other perspective Be honest about what you promise Keep the bridge open

19 Resources Someone who has mastered a trait Tapes and videos Books Murphy, John, The How of Wow. Simple Truths, 2012 Ruiz, Don Miguel, The Four Agreements. Amber Allen, 2011 Lieberman, David Ph.D., Make Peace with Anyone. St Martins, 2002 Loehr, Jim, The Power of Full Engagement. Free Press, 2003 Grabhorn, Lynn, Excuse me, your life is waiting. Hampton, 2000 White, Bowen, Why Normal Isn’t Healthy. Hazelden, 2000 Meyers, David, The Pursuit of Happiness. Avon, 1992. Hakim, Cliff, We are all self employed. Berret Koehler, 1994 Johnson, Spencer M.D., Who moved my cheese. Putnam’s, 1998

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