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What is SMEcollaborate Primarily developed for Small and Medium Companies who wish to collaborate together. It is a:- A resource center for collaborating.

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Presentation on theme: "What is SMEcollaborate Primarily developed for Small and Medium Companies who wish to collaborate together. It is a:- A resource center for collaborating."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is SMEcollaborate Primarily developed for Small and Medium Companies who wish to collaborate together. It is a:- A resource center for collaborating companies. A methodology that if followed correctly will increase the success of collaborations. A web based platform to allow collaborations to manage their collaboration. An organisation which if required provides training and support to collaborations.

2 Components of SMEcollaborate Public Resource News and Events (including training Schedule) Self Assessment tools Partner search database Collaboration services Information on benefits of collaboration Other…

3 Components of SMEcollaborate Methodology for Collaboration Manages five distinct phases of Collaboration Structured environment to guide collaborations On line analysis tools On line document templates Vault for storing and reviewing materials

4 Components of SMEcollaborate Collaboration Web Portal Collaboration specific secure web portal Configured to suit network requirements 1 stop shop for each collaboration Functionality includes: Document Libraries Workflows Contact management Common calendars Project and tasks management Other Features

5 Components of SMEcollaborate Collaboration Support Organisation Collaboration and Web Portal Training Facilitation services Implementation services Other Services Hosting Support Communication tools Bespoke development

6 Topology of the proposed intervention methodology for SMEcoll Topology of SMEcoll Architecture Public website : The home page is the main webpage for accessing the collaboration resources Portal access Individual collaborations are managed within a collaboration portal. Public access is provided to a sample Collaboration template. To access individual collaborations, a user account is required Restricted access User account provides access to individual collaborations

7 The homepage of the public website contains links to the following: New & Events of general interest collaborators An introduction to the SMEcollaborate methodology A self assessment tool to allow potential collaborators to determine their attitude to collaboration and access the impact of new business opportunities Access to the collaboration portal which contains additional explainations A facility to add your details to a database of companies wishing to collaborate or search for a potential partner A list of resources which may be of assistance to collaborations Benefits associated with collaboration and case studies of successful collaborations Contact details for SMEcollaborate in Sweden, Ireland, Scotland, Italy and Germany Training and implementation services offered by SMEcollaborate Language options for this site

8 Topology of the proposed intervention methodology for SMEcoll Topology of SMEcoll Architecture For further details on the collaboration portal, click on “Portal Access” on the public website and click on the link “Overview of this homepage

9 Topology of the proposed intervention methodology for SMEcoll Further information on SMEcollaborate Web Portal

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