Developed by Cheryl Newberry & Kelli Lehman Extension Program Specialists – 4-H.

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Presentation on theme: "Developed by Cheryl Newberry & Kelli Lehman Extension Program Specialists – 4-H."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developed by Cheryl Newberry & Kelli Lehman Extension Program Specialists – 4-H

2 Overview Of Training What is Texas AgriLife Extension and 4-H? Why this curriculum? Overview of bullying and cyberbullying What is “Take A Stand?” Sample Activities from Curriculum Implementation of Program Program Evaluation 2

3 Texas AgriLife Extension Service Solving Problems Leading Change Developing Communities Engaging Volunteers Impacting Youth 3

4 Texas 4-H Mission Prepare youth to meet the challenges of childhood, adolescence, and adulthood, through a coordinated, long-term, progressive series of educational experiences that enhance life skills and develop social, emotional, physical, and cognitive competencies. 4

5 Texas 4-H Vision The Texas 4-H and Youth Development Program will continue to be a recognized leader in developing life skills, empowering youth and volunteers, and facilitating effective partnerships to create capable and responsible citizens. 5

6 In 4-H, we value… Positive life skills development of youth. Diversity among youth participants, families, and Extension personnel. Utilization of research-based information in creative, diverse, hands-on educational environments. Optimizing each youth’s potential through unique partnerships with other youth, families, volunteers, Texas A&M University System personnel, and community stakeholders. Supporting county Extension faculty across Texas in enhancing the Texas 4-H & Youth Development Program. 6

7 Why Conflict Management Curriculum? 50% of high school students surveyed admit they have bullied someone in the past year 47% of high school student surveyed have been bullied, teased, or taunted in a way that seriously upset them in the past year 52% admit that in the last year they have hit someone because they were angry 7 Source: Josephson, M. (2010). Ethics of American Youth: 2010.

8 Why Conflict Management Curriculum? 33% of student surveyed say that violence is a big problem at their school 25% of students surveyed say that they do not feel very safe at school. 10 % say they have taken a weapon to school at least once in the last 12 months 8 Source: Josephson, M. (2010). Ethics of American Youth: 2010.

9 Why Conflict Management Curriculum? House Bill 283  Discipline Management Program to include prevention of and education concerning unwanted physical or verbal aggression, sexual harassment, and other forms of bullying in school, on school grounds, and in school vehicles. 9

10 Why Conflict Management Curriculum? House Bill 121  Each school district shall adopt and implement a dating violence policy to be included in the district improvement plan. Implementation can be through safety planning, enforcement of protective orders, school-based alternatives to protective orders, training for teachers and administrators, counseling for affected students, and awareness education for students and parents. 10

11 Why Conflict Management Curriculum? Senate Bill 136 –Establishes a curriculum within the Texas School Safety Center to educate students about the dangers associated with social networking sites such as MySpace.Com. "This will arm students with the information they need to protect themselves against online predators," Senator Nelson said. 11

12 What is Bullying? Bullying can take many forms such as: –Physical bullying, such as hitting or punching –Verbal bullying, such as teasing or name- calling –Nonverbal or emotional bullying, such as intimidating someone through gestures or social exclusion –Cyberbullying –Dating Violence 12 Source:

13 Cyberbullying Includes… Using the Internet, mobile phones or other cyber technology to: –Send mean text, email, or instant messages –Post nasty pictures or messages about others in blogs or on Web sites –Use someone else's user name to spread rumors or lies about someone –Intentionally exclude someone from an online group 13 Source:

14 How Common is Cyberbullying? 18% of students in grades 6-8 said they had been cyberbullied at least once in the last couple of months; and 6% said it had happened to them 2 or more times 11% of students in grades 6-8 said they had cyberbullied another person at least once in the last couple of months, and 2% said they had done it two or more times 19% of regular Internet users between the ages of 10 and 17 reported being involved in online aggression; 15% had been aggressors, and 7% had been targets (3% were both aggressors and targets) 14 Source:

15 How Common is Cyberbullying? 17% of 6-11 year-olds and 36% of 12-17-year-olds reported that someone said threatening or embarrassing things about them through email, instant messages, web sites, chat rooms, or text messages In nationally representative surveys of 10-17 year-olds, twice as many children and youth indicated that they had been victims and perpetrators of online harassment in 2005 compared with 1999/2000 Girls were about twice as likely as boys to be victims and perpetrators of cyber bullying 15 Source:

16 Why is Cyberbullying on the Rise? Perpetrators can remain “virtually” anonymous – temporary accounts, pseudonyms, etc. Takes less energy and fortitude to express hurtful comments using a keyboard or keypad than with one’s voice Cyberbullies don’t have to deal with the immediate emotional, psychological or physical effects of face to face bullying on their victim Hurtful and humiliating content can be sent to lots of people very quickly 16 Source:

17 Why is Cyberbullying on the Rise? Supervision is lacking in cyberspace! No monitoring or censoring of offensive content in e-mail, text, chat rooms, or cell phones Many adolescents have computers in their bedrooms that their parent does not monitor 17 Source:

18 Characteristics of Children Who Bully Impulsive, hot-headed, dominant Easily frustrated Lack empathy Difficulty following rules View violence in a positive way Boys who bully tend to be physically stronger than other children 18 Source:

19 Family Risk Factors for Bullying A lack of warmth and involvement on the part of parents Overly permissive parenting (including a lack of limits for children's behavior) A lack of supervision by parents Harsh, physical discipline Bullying incidences at home 19 Source:

20 Bullying and other Violent or Anti-Social Behaviors Research shows that bullying can be a sign of other serious antisocial and/or violent behavior. Children who frequently bully their peers are more likely than others to: –Get into frequent fights –Be injured in a fight –Vandalize or steal property –Drink alcohol –Smoke –Be truant from school –Drop out of school –Carry a weapon 20 Source:

21 Signs of Bullying The child comes home with torn, damaged, or missing pieces of clothing, books or other belongings. The child has unexplained bruises, cuts or scratches. The child seems afraid of going to school, walking to and from school, riding the school bus or taking part in organized activities with peers. The child appears sad, moody, teary or depressed when he or she comes home. The child frequently appears anxious and/or suffers from low self-esteem. 21 Source:

22 Signs of Cyberbullying Be reluctant to use the computer or electronic device Avoid discussion about what they are doing on the computer, or other electronic device Look or appear nervous, anxious or jumpy when receiving an email, IM or text message Display unusual anger, sadness, and depression after using the computer or electronic device Discuss revenge Exit or click out of whatever they are doing, if a person walks by Unexpectedly quits using the computer or electronic device 22 Source:

23 What To Do If A Child Is Being Bullied Talk with the child openly Education of all youth in bullying and conflict management – at school, home Enforce rules and guidelines for bullying, use of electronic devices at school, home, etc. Set limits or place blocks on home computer 23 Source:

24 4-H’s Role in Addressing Bullying Provide training for teachers or other youth workers on “Take A Stand” curriculum Work with school district to implement “Take A Stand” into the classroom as a curriculum enrichment activity Provide support to the school for the program through processing evaluations, developing summaries of evaluations, recognition of participants and teachers, and more! 24

25 What is Curriculum Enrichment? Curriculum/activity takes place in school classroom. Curriculum/activity is led by school personnel or an Extension volunteer. Consists of 5 sequential learning experiences, at least 30 minutes each. Designed to ENHANCE/ENRICH the required school curriculum, not replace it. Promotes 4-H and extends invitation to participants to join 4-H. 25

26 How did TAKE A STAND come about? Identified as a curriculum need by curriculum enrichment task force in 2005 Curriculum development began January 2008 Meeting with potential partner August 28, 2008 and partnership established! Funding commitment of $50,000 Pilot Training and Testing in 50 counties – Jan-Feb 2009 Curriculum released November 2009 26

27 Meet Our Partners! Texas Rural Mediation Services, a program of the Dispute Resolution Center, Lubbock County –Gene Valentini, Director –Crystal Stone, Assistant Director –Mike Smith, Former Outreach Manager 27

28 What is “Take A Stand!”? 5-fold Curriculum – 1 lesson per topic  Conflict Management/Bullying  Communication  Etiquette  Teamwork  Cultural Awareness Three levels – 3-5, 6-8, 9-12 Most lessons are divided into two parts with hands on activities 28

29 Curriculum Resources Printed Curriculum (B/W) with color cover/spine inserts Resource CD Marketing Brochure Bookmarks 29 Handouts in B/W Giant Puzzle End of Unit Jeopardy Game Backpack Tags Parent Letters (English/Spanish) Evaluation Certificate & Agreement Group Enrollment Form Items on the CD:

30 Overview of 3-5 grade Curriculum “Power Phrase” for each lesson Handouts for each lesson that reinforce learning Fun and interactive activities to help participants practice skills Discussion/Wrap-up Questions TEKS addressed include:  English, Language Arts, and Reading  Mathematics  Physical Education  Social Studies  Theatre  Art  Music 30

31 3-5 grade: Lesson 1 Title: Keep Your Cool Objectives  recognize signs of anger in themselves and others  understand the consequences of violence  identify ways to control anger Activities  Anger Says…  Power Phrase Rap  Freeze Frame  The Cool Tool Power Phrase: Staying cool’s the way we choose! When we fight, we all lose! 31

32 3-5 Grade: Lesson 2 Title: Walk In My Shoes Objectives  explain their own point of view  think about another person’s point of view  consider several ways of looking at a problem  listen and acknowledge what another person says  solve specific problems Activities  Trouble Bugs  Walk In My Shoes  Footstep Reflections Power Phrase: If we both say how we feel, we’ll work out a better deal! 32

33 3-5 grade: Lesson 3 Title: A Manner Of Speaking Objectives  ten basic manners for kids  define respect  to gain respect and give respect  to write thank you notes Activities  Respectacles  Thank You Notes  A Big Thank You Crossword Puzzle Power Phrase: Good manners are the perfect way to show respect every day! 33

34 3-5 Grade: Lesson 4 Title: Get In The Game Objectives  learn importance of teamwork in working in groups  how to be a good team member Activities  Balloon Frantic  Consensus  Get in the Game! Word Search Power Phrase: Whether tasks are big or small, we’ll use teamwork to solve them all! 34

35 3-5 Grade: Lesson 5 Title: You + Me = Harmony Objectives  identify ways in which we are different and alike  appreciate how traditions, customs and gestures differ from one family to another Activities  Cultures in Texas  The Cultural Quiz  Skin Color Match-Ups  Traditions and Customs  Thumb Print Art Power Phrase: Look at the world. What do you see? A rainbow of cultures in harmony! 35

36 How Can Your School/ Classroom Get Involved? Work with local county Extension agent to: – Select grade to target – Train other teachers if needed –Provide each student with the parent letter to take home – Implement the curriculum with students – Conduct the evaluation instrument with students and turn in to the agent –Complete the Group Enrollment Form 36

37 How Can Your School/ Classroom Get Involved? Work with local county Extension agent to: –Provide an opportunity for the agent to do a lesson on 4-H and invite youth to get involved in the program – Provide each student with the recognition certificate, Commitment to Excellence Certificate, and bookmark – Complete the 4-H Group Enrollment Form and return to the agent 37

38 Student Evaluations Individual evaluation for each grade level Forms are scannable; data will be returned to agent for interpretation Copy on white paper Please use pencils if possible and erase thoroughly! Keep evaluations flat, not folded 38

39 “We don't know who we are until we see what we can do.” —Martha Grimes “Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there.” —John Wooden “If you find it in your heart to care for somebody else, you will have succeeded.” —Maya Angelou 39

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