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+ What class are you in What does she look like Where are you from What time does he get up every morning How do you know Who is singing in the room Whose.

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Presentation on theme: "+ What class are you in What does she look like Where are you from What time does he get up every morning How do you know Who is singing in the room Whose."— Presentation transcript:


2 + What class are you in What does she look like Where are you from What time does he get up every morning How do you know Who is singing in the room Whose bike is broken


4 pron. what which who whose

5 what time what colour what

6 adv when where why how many how much how old how long how often how far how tall how big how

7 who which whose what do they do? one do you like best? is that? brother is the architect? What Which Who Whose

8 when how old where why how do you live? will you come back? is Mary? She is only five. does Jim go to school? On foot. were you late today? Where When How old Ho w Why

9 how much how far how many how long how often students are there in your class? Jim, do you go bowling? is the bank / hospital? Could you tell me it is? will you study in the USA? how much h ow often How long How many How far

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